because they are class or set-specific

Because gold in D2 is nothing , trade is always worth

not true; try trading a high level guy in hell mode for hell mode armor, see what he does with your offerings.

i have sold a ton of enigmas to guys in hell mode in d2 they usually offer a ton of stuff for my offering.

same, and then they either immediatly crafted loot with the horadric cube from it, or sold it for gold.

part of the D2 experience.

Don’t get me wrong guys but i gonna hit the bed. I am getting quiet tired.
It’s been great talking to you guys about this topic in a more respectable fashion than others do.

Thank you for the kind words.

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no1 has ever sold an enigma for gold lol or at least meant too.

no one has traded at low level an enigma for hell-level armor unless they got it from a mule.

Yes I feel like most people asking for all these changes have not actually played the end game cause its never even bin a thought on my mind. I’ve done thousands of baal and chaos runs and saw an arcanes valor drop maybe twice shako maybe a few times. I think they think loot actually drops more often then it does and they are just missing it cause they cant click fast enough. God tier items are scarce in this game. Thats why you trade you can go years and never find a windforce but you can farm and trade your way to one someone else was lucky enough to find. Solo mfing specific areas has always been more profitable. Trading and mfing is the end game.


and THAT is why I used to steal from trade rooms in grade 4 lmao.

I feel like English might not be your first language and that’s not a bad thing but I feel like the language barrier is making it very hard for me to understand what you are saying. I would love to keep trying to communicate but I kind of at a loss for understanding what you are saying.

Play with people is the interest of multiplayer games, we just want to exarcerate this aspect.

I don’t know how to quote here and don’t care enough to learn, eat the corn out of my crap.

Then you simply don’t have to play with ploot. That’s the beauty of this. If you prefer the current method, you can just create or join those games.

just like you could wait for d4 for P loot.
only it takes longer than making a new room.

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No we don’t , and before VV have a clearly statement on the situation , we are going to continue to make feedback on it

D4 will likely be instituting instanced loot like D3. That’s not what is being discussed here. But I assume that’s why you’re so repulsed by the suggestion. No one in this thread wants to implement an instanced loot system like D3.

you should be able to get a shako off meph pretty quick at ladder start shouldn’t take more than a week of light farming. Arcane valor is much rarer but then again i don’t personally use it for any build so it’s kinda pointless to me. If you are doing MF right you should be doing pit and chaos runs and those can be done in groups if people weren’t afraid of losing items to hackers or randoms, in fact they are done by friend groups all the time but some of us would like to play with new people while online.

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instanced loot, private loot, either way you put it, if you divide up the loot or make people vote on what loot they want it ruins the core experience of the trading system and fundamentally the economics of the end game.

This is the part I think you’re not understanding. This is a completely optional system. No one is being forced to do anything. If someone wants nothing to do with a ploot system, all they have to do is not select it when creating a game, or don’t join a ploot game. It doesn’t affect you in any way. No economy changes – because it’s the same amount of items dropping if the game was FFA. No increased items or different unique item loot tables. A timer on an assigned item, and if not picked up, becomes available to all. Same items that would drop in the game regardless of mode.