Most people htat are againts pLoot are like:
Me no like PLoot, pLoot no good for the game, pLoot bad you go play D3… What is pLoot again?


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What do you mean by “make it work”? Do you mean to keep drop rate to a level that you would be satisfied with? No the solution to that is not increasing the drop rates it’s to play the standard version that we have right now. Increasing drop rates would hurt the economy and no one would argue for that.

Plenty of people would be willing to play in a situation with lower drop rates than they would have if they used a script in FFA standard. And if they aren’t, then so what. The option doesn’t get used. No harm for you and anyone else, whatsoever.

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If pLoot works for you, go play a pLoot game…

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want personal loot? make a private game with friends, simple as that buddy
edit: or do your own private games, either with or without friends so no one can take “your” loot away tho


Cool, let’s have the option here. Would be a great quality of life improvement that would affect you and absolutely no way whatsoever.

My friends play saturdays and Sundays, the days I can´t play, its not that simple apparently.

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The Diablo community should not settle for the old adage that public games are for experience and private games are for item hunting. The reason that is the case is because of scripts. This solution gets rid of their utility. It means that item hunting becomes viable in public games. Having this option hurts you and your gameplay in no way whatsoever.

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No it doesnt.
The game already works that way in FFA. 1 item drops, 1 player picks it up. 7 players get nothing.
You are fine with it. We are fine with it.
What we want to skip is the silly clicking game inbetween that you seem to enjoy so much.
You can keep playing it, we would rather play the game.

Yeah, it is mind boggling indeed.
You say we want X and X is bad. We say, no we do not want X.
You say we want X and X is bad.

Go unboggle your mind, bog.

You have proven again and again that you do not understand what is being suggested. Even when we are telling you that X is not part of the suggestion, you come back and argue against X.
Drop your strawman.

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Lets say an average baal run game takes ~6 minutes. That would be 10 baal games per hour.

It would take 400 games to get that shako. A new player would need to play 40 hours straight to get that shako. You don’t see the issue with that? That’s even IF that shako drops and my numbers on the drop rate are probably low. Imagine trying to get a Ber rune to drop.

When instead you have a chance every 40 games.

except for those of us who are differently abled, or if those games are with a person with pickit or if we are from a part of the world/country that gets a much worse ping than we know we will get 0 loot in 8 games and 1 in 8 is looking a lot better. Yes i get that those of you with advantages be it purely “skill” lol or otherwise like the fact you can get 8 out of 8 items but it doesn’t make for a very fun experience for the other 7 people does it?

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It won’t be available in D2R not for a long time, if ever.

Again that’s one small part of the entire context. It will not be fun if you don’t see anything but blues and whites for days.

You keep using the phrase “would have to”. No, nobody has to. The option is an option. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want. The game changes in no way for people that do not want to use the option.

As it stands now a player without a script could run a thousand games in public and have 100 times less a chance of getting a wind force than a solo game. Let people choose how they want to play. If it has absolutely no effect on you then you should not be against it.

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There you go again with scripts. It wont be in d2r. And did you do the math on that? LOL. no.

“except for those of us who are differently abled”

That is the single only reason that pLoot should and could be enabled.

Other than that, pLoot is a rock that should definitely not be turned over.

They don’t understand why accessibility option exist after 2005 . It’s a waste of time trying to make them understand

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why dont you guys just make a game and play with each other and share the loot? I feel like we are arguing over who gets loot in bot runs. If you enjoy playing with honest people, then meet them in game and play with them… unless the goal here is to get carried and still receive loot??


Precisely. Why i am posting here.

Yes, i will do that.
And i am asking for a feature called “private game with friends” that i can select before creating/joining a game.
Inside that game, we will - as friends - fairly share our common loot and dance in a circle while holding hands.
To use a shorter name for it, we will label it ploot.

All we are asking for is this QoL button to make it happen easier.

D2 is not a ploot game, you’re in the wrong forum.

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Well I hope you’re right but I don’t see why it wouldn’t. In fact now more so than ever because all the one would have to do is make a macro on their mouse.

That’s not accurate. You still have a shot at all 8 with personal loot. Each unique is a /roll 1-8. Granted, you might not know the others dropped unless you’re playing with friends… but don’t tell me you see every drop in an FFA game either.

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