Please read.

49% supported adding a personal loot option. There were two proposed ways that optional personal loot would be implemented (36% and 13% = 49%). 12% are not sure.

A reddit post from 5 months ago. I don’t how accurate that can be with no way of knowing who bought d2r /pre ordered or even play d2 currently etc. These forums for example are overwhelming against loot changes an these are all preorder d2r people. Also by preordering d2r you’re pretty much consenting to buying the game based on how it used to be since it’s a remaster.

and this from the survey

44% of the people are against an additional / easier way to respec
• 43% are for an additional / easier way to respect
• 13% are not sure

shows me ALOT dont play dd2. because its really easy to respec.

please read. he 13% will if ther is a trade off… how many of the 36% will with a trade off?

you just make up you own math

This is a proof that people who are voted, are aware and hyped for the game since 5 month at least.

This forum is not overwhelmingly against adding a personal loot option. In fact, the only poll that I know on this forum that asked to choose either personal loot or FFA loot. There was no option to pick that middle ground of adding optional personal loot. This poll was in the last week. Even in the highly skewed population of this forum that required D2R pre-order to post, 39.8% voted for personal loot.

Do I need to link that too? NVM

Private loot - Poll - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

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people on som diablo 2 diacord voted hundres of time on this surveay. just to troll yes its really legit.

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Also your reddit survey technically still passed No 39% if you understand how voting works you wouldn’t get your way from that either.

Yeah and again assumptions, we will never be able to move forward like this

Yes and again, accessibility option are not for all, but for people who need it. So if 36% need an option i think it’s really enough

so you assume its a assumption?

so you assume the surveay is 100% legit and all players who said ther a d2 players is real?

I never said this , i said without proofs , it’s an assumption yes

There were two categories to vote for those that favored adding personal loot options. One category received 36% of the vote. The other category received 13% of the vote. Combined 49% voted for adding a personal loot option while 39% voted to keep D2R FFA only.

This is not rocket science.

Even on this forum ~40% favor personal loot.

Well in general, most players don’t use the forums. If you have for example 10,000 people on beta enjoying game as is… an the same 200 whiney kids crying on forums it doesn’t make you the majority just cause your the only ones taking time out of your day to post on the forums. So in order for blizzard to even take you seriously the amount of people crying about loot changes would have to overwhelm the people against it + the people playing not saying anything. So safe to say it’s never going to happen.

ok so we agrree the surveay should not be taking serious, because you cant prove its legit or not!

you never answerd . why is the 13% in yes? and how many of the 36% would like p-loot with trade off?

and this from the survey

44% of the people are against an additional / easier way to respec
• 43% are for an additional / easier way to respect
• 13% are not sure

shows me ALOT dont play d2. because its really easy to respec.

Your example vote start new discuss “soulbond” personal loot and soulbond not part of diablo2.
On this forum topics not seen this avarage. this proof voters not play d2. Mix players have.

That’s still a different vote. You don’t get two votes on a survey it corrupts the data. By saying this person voted for this it counts towards this your basically rigging the vote by allowing more then 1 way to vote for your preferred outcome… so that survey if you want to even take it remotely serious would have a 39% no outcome. You don’t add votes on top of other different votes… what are you hitler? lol

Yes. I even mentioned sampling bias when I linked my screenshots.

The reddit poll had >4,000 respondent who self-identified as D2 players.

Maybe, Blizzard was asked the question below. Do you know their response? And no I will not link it for you but you can find the answer using google or the forum search feature.

“Given that multiplayer co-op will be an important part of Diablo II: Resurrected in the future, will there be an option for gamers to get direct loot instead of having to fight over each other?”

Yes but the reddit players didn’t put $40 down on the game. Forums people did… so I don’t see a majority of people who bought the game asking for loot changes nor did your survey. Your survey voted 39% no as the majority vote.

Here a little repost for you and why accessibility options exist :

I would like to remind you that the Ploot remains optional in the state in which it is requested, and that it is an accessibility option. No rate changes, no economic changes, just an option that will put everyone on a more equal footing if checked when creating a game. Not everyone has the same health, and yet everyone should be able to have fun on a game.

And i don’t think only 500 people has do a pre purchase