Please post the patch notes soon

It has been over a week since we heard it was coming soon and that they were just being sent to a grammar/spelling check. Im a little confused why it has been held up


Soon. Be careful what you ask for.

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What’s to be confused about? It’s blizzard, soon could be next month.


They will post it when they are good and ready. Not when you want it.
Have you learned anything in the last 7.5 years, or are you new to the forum?


With timing of season start, typical season length, etc… I would suspect we get the PTR either this week or next week.

They can drop the notes on us anytime and activate it if they so choose, but they usually give a heads up.

Depending on the theme for next season, I would suspect the current season to be at least 4 months, as it was a far bigger patch with a much larger theme overall.

Next month would be way too late. You have no clue of how schedule things, do you? S19 has lasted about 8.5 weeks and if the overall length is 12-13 weeks (roughly the typical 3 months), that doesn’t leave much time to do the PTR and finalize the patch. It was made clear this time the PTR will last 2 weeks and assuming the it’ll come this week, that’ll leave mere 2 weeks or so to squish bugs and apply any additional changes. All of that has to happen essentially before S19 ends so that the patch can go officially live as soon as possible after the season ends. It cuts really close.


While I’m not panicking about the silence concerning the PTR as some others, the lack of communication is still somewhat worrying. Hopefully we get something this week.

Part of the issue is that you are confusing two different things.

  1. PTR announcement for D3.
  2. Blog about balance changes and future of D3.

Both were discussed in the same thread so I can see where there might be confusion.

  1. With regard to the PTR Matthew said “soon” but without any date.
    Hyped for PTR, when will it come?^^ - #6 by Matthew_Cederquist

  2. Regarding the Blog post on game balance

Any ETA on the blog post about game balance?

Nevalistis stated the following

Please don’t mix the two different things up.


Or a year :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Please stop posting when you clearly dont have all the information available to you and simply demanding things never speeds up any kind of process here


I expected the PTR out last week; wasn’t the last patch released early November? -->Dec–>Jan—>Feb. They are going to need at LEAST two weeks for testing, probably more like three.

That’s a big if isn’t it. Is it work in stone that a season is 3 months?

That’s assuming that:

And that’s all it is, an assumption. What if this season lasts longer? What if there’s a break between the end of 19 and the beginning of 20?

Maybe you shouldn’t worry so much about me making myself look silly, I’m a big boi I don’t care if I look silly to a bunch of internet “people”.

We are no longer providing anticipated end dates for Seasons. However, we are committed to keeping Seasons roughly three months in length (give or take a few weeks based on development needs) and will continue to provide a minimum of two weeks advance notice for when the Season will be ending.


Correct again Meteorblade. :+1: :+1: :+1:

He just thinks he knows better.

So a season is roughly 3 months GIVE OR TAKE A FEW WEEKS.

The generally accepted definition of a few is three or more. So this season could be 4 months. It’s not set in stone.

Season 15 was 15 weeks 2 days
16 was 16 weeks 2 days
17 was 13 weeks 2 days
18 was 11 weeks 2 days

Season 19 started Nov 22. 3 months would put the end in late Feb. 4 months would be late March, but we don’t know the end date, blizz doesn’t release them in advance.

The average of the first 18 seasons…
( 159 + 52 + 136 + 125 + 92 + 85 + 70 + 71 + 71 + 85 + 92 + 94 + 100 + 93 + 107 + 114 + 93 + 79 ) / 18 = 95.44 days = 13.63 weeks.
That certainly sounds a lot like three months.


Yeah but it’s not set in stone. This could be a 16 week season like in season 16. They’re have been seasons as long as 22 weeks and as short as 10. That’s a pretty broad range.