Please no infinite scaling in D4

I really like that i can grind for more levels after level 70 and spend the Paragon points on different charakters. Only grind for gear is boring if your char is in a good spot and there would be no paragon so what? its the end of the game then.

D3 Paragon system was perfekt we players on NS can grind to infinity and seasonal players that like start all the time from scratch can do this every 3-4 month. PPlease keep that its nice.

Im for infinite scaling. I want to get rewarded for the weeks,month,years i put into grind.

I have to say that would bug the crap outa me.

To have something with a cap but to never be able to reach it would be infuriating, it’s why I find hitting paragon 800 so satisfying, because you get everything to a 50/50 and it looks a lot cleaner

In ARPG game this feeling might persist for a lot of people when they reach max level and let’s say they are farming gear but they gain no XP.

So blizzard could make leveling/paragon or whatever its gonna be called finite and very hard to reach, like last levels in D2 :DDD Not everyone will reach that and more likely start a new character.

Yet, if they decide to go max level, good luck :smiley:

PS. In any case, I wonder how come can someone say that it feels like a waste of time when even if not the XP you gain gold, mats, runes, rares, uniques basically loot. This is a little bit beyond me.

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If it’s logarithmic they might as well use a asymptotic system similar to D2 and PoE. Seasons will already eliminate the need for a infinite system with a logarithmic curve.

I don’t even know then, they should definitely remove infinite STR, VIT , DEX or whatever. But what could be other things that could improve with more “paragon levels” lets call it that for now.

I doubt that it is perfect mate. Especially the botters were abusing it I guess as I’ve seen a lot of posts regarding botting. To say the truth I never cared about people who bot and what paragon level they are. But I understand why people were upset and how it affected leaderboards.

But anyways, infinite stat allocation is nowhere near perfect. Blizzard didn’t know how to make a better system so they went with infinite system…

Nop, It’s nowhere near perfect or creative.

Agreed. No more infinite leveling.

Finite leveling = balance actually becomes a possibility = build diversity can truly shine.

ARPGs are about the loot hunt, not about gaining paragon point 5,192.

If you spend that much time grinding, you should have the gear to try out any build you want. That’s the reward.

If the devs screw this up and go with an uncapped paragon system, I hope they remove character stats from it completely and just make it a grind for unlockable cosmetics or something.

We should be able to finish leveling our characters. The true hunt should be for gear, whether it’s perfect stats or the ideal items to build something unorthodox.


I would also sign for asymptotic system (like it’s impossible to reach speed of light, the more you get close to it, the more exponential energy you need). It’s a proven system.

The infinite system? it’s not entirely bad. There is infinity and infinity.
If the next high level requires 4 more time than the previous level. It’s in practice not worth reasonable to farm more, and it’s comparable to an asymptote. The advantage of this is that there is indeed no in-world reason to prevent a character to improve, but huge amount of time for minimal improvement.
D3’s infinity is linear. It is just simply bad.

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The game doesn’t need to have infinite scalling the current issue is that the game just gives you everything way too fast, you spend way too little time looking for upgrades (items) and preparing your character.

This initial fast early preparation phase, simply forces to the existence of the later grind for paragon.

Also, I really don’t like the current “as long as you play long enough you will beat it” mentality, difficult content should be beaten by playing better, not by just rubbing your face long enough into it until you grind more paragon.


Yep, they could truly do that. Have some attributes you level up to a certain point and then after that, unlock some cool cosmetics, badges, statuses or callings whatever they are called :D, maybe pets whatever.

i agree

imo they do that now, in D3
-i’m fine here, at T13 and T15. :sunglasses::watermelon::cup_with_straw::palm_tree:

T16+ myself, running a custom lightning channel build with Legacy of Dreams. But the Paragon feels so hollow when I get it. To me it feels like there is no point to it, it doesn’t add anything to the game, at least, not for me. Majority of the time, with this toon, I just run rifts as a Random dungeon to see what goodies drop and don’t worry about Paragon at all.

It’s why I started a character that doesn’t use paragon and is self found and no augments. Sometimes you just gotta find a way to make your own fun with what is available. I think I got her up to Torment 5 so far. I find her far more fun that the majority of set builds.

Good to hear you are doing the same thing, making your own fun and enjoying the game. Can’t go wrong with that.

To be honest, if they can create a means of infinite progression without it dragging powercreep into the game, I’d be quite OK with that. A means to customize my build or stats. Maybe putting a cap on stats would work out, so as you gain paragon points and put points into a particular stat until max you can try to find new gear with different stats to loot for. If the game is designed with caps on the stats, they could work that into the difficulty and it wouldn’t feel power creepy.

Example: Perhaps Critical Hit Chance caps at 25% and each paragon point put into it adds .1%, up to the cap. That would take a long time to accrue power that could have the difficulty baked to compensate (ex: Perhaps Armor decreases critical hit chance, so pumping it isn’t a guaranteed crazy boost in power).

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that’s a nice approach also;

i develop from T10 to T13 to T15 (if all stays fun)

-but i do have a ‘T15 monk’ that can do a 95 grift and farms Grift 85
-just because i want higher greater gemlevels lol (all lvl 86) :wink:


that wouldn’t fit my gameplay lol.

No? But then you could work at getting other stats on your gear lengthening the loot hunt and allows customization of your stats which lets you fill in gaps you couldn’t on your gear. You’d still get your infinite progression and improvement, but keep stats at a level that would be easier to balance and keep power creep out.

How would it not fit your gameplay? You could still do your mob blasting without challenge, as you could still progress and improve stats, just not infinitely bloat the same stat.

because i play for years the same plan;
i stay low and get stronger slow but steady, until i’m master of my level.
easy mobblasting is my thing, but at a reasonable level.

You still didn’t answer how my suggestion would affect you. You could do everything you do and paragon would still have that slow climb in power, until you max a particular stat and move on to a different stat. You could do exactly what you enjoy doing, but it would have a ‘level playing field’ for competitive players as a cap would exist to reach and there would be a means to counter attempts at just stacking a single stat to be uber.

you mean this ?
through paragon, i can simply boost my stats, to get slowly stronger.
-this helps me even to jump from T13 to T15, for instance.
-i don’t cheat and i feel no powercreep at low level gameplay.

but i can see and read the troubles for others ofc.

put the paragon points toward a different stat instead of just stacking it all on one - can still gain power, just in a different stat. Game can still be balanced easily for the higher difficulties as someone can’t cheese it and stack as much paragon points as possible into a single stat.

atm, at my paragon level, i’ve only 2 stats to put the new points in:
life or main stat.

i put all in main stat now, because i need those points for several characters to reach a fun playable T13

and doesn’t that seem kinda lame? What if they included all kinds of stats that could be increased instead? Then you could put points into a stat where you have a gap.

The only flaw with doing that in D3 is that only a handful of DPS giving stats matter. Stats that are not Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Main stat, Attack Speed, Cooldown reduction, armor/all resist or area damage are completely irrelevant.

imagine if they did use an ‘infinite’ progression system where they had dozens of stats to choose from that are all viable in the right build and your paragon points go into those instead of just main stat that only increases damage and a specific defense that does the same thing as the other one. You’d have way more possibilities to build a character to play as you see fit.

Or they could just do like D3 and only have 2 stats to actually increase once you hit a particular paragon level.

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