Please nerf Inna's and Wave of Light monk

isnt that the build quin played for like 3 years every day and cleared rifts back then in like 5-6 seconds or so?

Sound like the most overpowered build in any diablo game ever since it has so much movespeed its like enigma on 20 steroids speed wise, and hammers took like idk a few seconds to clear the screen where as a bell takes like 1/4 second and 5 would be like 1 1/4 seconds to clear screen.

if this were d2 there would be things not called elite affixes such as ‘iron maiden for spells’ or curses that threaten OP builds. but d3 never got deep it forgot so much so like its a crazy simulator testing ground game with very little challenge to the player until you hit high greater rifts as if that’s the only content that matters when the whole game should matter.

what if d3 had gloams that appeared fast, shot electricity fast, that 1-2 shotted down a caster with no armor or low health? Like d2 had types of monsters that threatened op builds d3 does but they’re only found in high greater rifts d3 is extremely greater rift only for threatening content its really skewed like why even have a non greater rift portion of the game at this pt?

Well since the guy clearing the highest in the EU is calling for a nerf in this topic if I am not mistaken it is probably very strong. But just wanted to say so are other builds, but since he did the clear he can say more about it than I can.

Necro and sader got nerf. And monk is stronger than FB and doesnt require as much fishing. Unless they got some more nerfs which i missed.

I think like you. But, this game and this forum is full of kids who find it fun to destroy the highest lvl of the game just to say they did it.

My advice, get off this leaky boat, don’t waste your time giving suggestions on how to improve this game, it’s like throwing jewels to the pigs.

Blizz KNOWS what has to be done to make this game better, they deliberately avoid true balance and keep leaving broken builds and doing build rotations.


Botters with 15,000 paragon worth of mainstat can push a gooey dogturd up a hill with a bendy stick. Not impressed.
No Nerfs! Enjoy the class before they destroy it two seasons from now.


But, OP, aren’t you looking at existing non-season Monks with thousands and thousands of paragon? I mean, I agree, Inna’s may need a slight nerf, but obviously S24 Monks that start tonight will not be clearing 150s right away given they are starting from scratch.

A couple of days ago, non-seasonal…

Now then, 2878 paragon is very much reachable in a season, and these clears were done without the benefit of the ethereal weapon that adds 30% attack speed and 100% damage to monk skills, which will no doubt add a few GR ranks on top of that.

So, at 3K paragon, I wouldn’t be surprised to see people doing GR135-140. For the players that get to 5-6K paragon in the season, I don’t think GR150 is out of the question.

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The only thing I’m not happy with balance wise regarding Inna’s is that it’s now the strongest “Pet Build” in the game.

Witch Doctor was supposed to be the original “Pet Class” of D3 and it got mutilated in favor of Necromancer which at least is another “Pet Class”.

I’ve said it before elsewhere but I wasn’t ever fond of the nerf to 0dog (sacrifice) and I remember the logic was that the health globe creation was “too strong” so now, WD still has gruesome feast without any way of generating more health globes, and a nerf in favor of necro.

Witch Doctor has all of these actual pet skills (Araychr’s creatures, TMF, Frogs, spiders, Helltooth, Gargantuan… to name a few) and only really fetish darts breaks the mold and is still weaker than Innas? Just feels like yet another slap in the face to Witch Doctors, but maybe we will get heard because of Necro players complaining now too but man

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They can easily fix it.

Increase the cooldown of active Mystic Ally to 2 minutes like every other useful single-skill build.

I forgot that a good monk is a Z-DPS Monk right?! :roll_eyes:

Yet another pointless thread of some group player who can’t stand that Monks finally got a build capable of soloing up to 150 GR…

This is exactly why D3 RoS is played by max 20-30k maybe peak 50k players at season start and drops down to below 20k later, cause of some “people” who must ruin every build that makes SOLO players life easier, because GOD forbid SOLO players to clear a 150 GR with 3000 or 3500 paragon.

Only METAs are allowed to faceroll 150 GR in less 3-4 minutes and SOLO players can go to h3ll right?! :roll_eyes:

I bet that all the nerf cry b4bies will ask for a barb nerf too if suddenly IK set gets buffed and capable of doing 140-150 GR too with 3000-4000 paragon, cause you know they’re just like Monks only good as ZDPS slaves for META groups…

What people don’t understand (ofc all the group ones) is that EVERY nerf (which usually ends up destroying or making the OP build useless) impacts SOLO players the most while GROUP whether it’s META or any other won’t feel any diference and will just use the most OP build there is…

Instead of being HAPPY that you get a NEW build CHOICE to farm up to 150 GR, you “people” whine and ask for nerfs, cause oh noes Monks got a place in META as DD dealing class instead of ZDPS and might be able to clear up to 150 GR with 5000 paragon and 650-750 caldesans on items…

No wonder that more and more players leave the game and the one to thank for it are all those obsessed with their (GROUP oriented) balance… :face_vomiting: :man_facepalming:

I wonder what build will you destroy next, cause that’s all you can do…


Agreed, they will most likely get out the nerf bat next season and hit both builds to bring them more in line with the other builds after the season is over. Too early to do before the season. Also they, like you said won’t nerf them during a season.


Quit your damn whining! the monk that cleared it in 7 min IS AT PARAGON LEVEL 15,385! There are only 3 monks that cleared 150 in the Americas, and they too are over 10K PL. If this game is too much for you, go play something else, but stop it with the nerf requests! We finally have some builds that are worth playing, and whiners want to ruin it for others, just stop it with the nerf requests and play your own game!


Posts like this are why we can’t have nice things.

As a solo player, I am actually looking forward to playing a Monk; something I never thought would happen. Just because you don’t get to be the big boy this season is no reason to ruin it for everyone else. Give us bottom feeders something to look forward to.


I’m still mad that EP doesn’t work how it should with RS etc. So it won’t be the first class I play this season.

First time I have tried Uliana and the exploding palm. Gotten to T10 (without anywhere near the right gear) and it can handle stuff but is slow. Cannot do an equivalent GR as I’ll fail the timer.

So, sure, nerf and buff. The usual.

OP - Chill Winston…

Just because your favorite class is being outperformed by a class that hasn’t had it’s day until now is no reason to nerf it.

Just let it go, play what you want to play, and stop looking at the leaderboards for now…

What about Firebird or God Dh then? Aov Crusader?

How is this thread still going? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Hopefully Uliana will see some care next patch, I wonder what sort of threads will sprout in forums a few months later.

AoV sader got nerf. GoD got nerf. FB on second season but got nerfed in PTR. Monk is considered by wudi to be stronger than all of them by quiet a margin and still would be even if none was nerfed. I believe thats what triggers ppl even though we got seperate LBs.

I also believe we should let monks have some fun since they been irrelevant in metas for a time just like wizz been, i dont mind meta switches. Also i dont dislike having bellruns.

Im guessing they let monk stay for 2 seasons just like GoD. FB prolly get nerfed for next season aswell.

Aov sader still strong. God still strong, even with the Etherals. Jumped around 10 lvls up. Fb still the strongest solo and group class for dps. Wuji showed a wizard only dps and did a 150 with 1900 paragon points. Don’t talk about nerfing monk when you know nothing

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