Please more stash tabs! <3

2 x 14 = 28
2 x 17 = 34 (for those with deluxe edition)

The game barely functions with 13 and you want to double that. Not going to happen. The reasons why have been explained above. Bad design, but they aren’t going to change it now after 8 years.

Yes, we would all like more stash tabs but we accept what we have and learn how to manage our inventory so we don’t look like an episode of Hoarders.

Where do you get 14 from exactly when only 7 classes exist?
Never-the-less I still would have liked to have 15-20 stash tabs in total
which isn’t unreasonable at all and Blizzard can do it, I already know they can but they probably aren’t because like you said the game is 8 years old and they are working Diablo 4 and both heaven and hell forbid Diablo Immortals.

My thought here is why not ask to have the armory be used to store the armor set when you save and that is where the armor goes when you change it but you have to have it saved in the armory for it to be put there.

To continue with d4, they must first fix d3, just give them the possibility to buy more tabs, or a special map to have extra chests, or even more characters, Blizzard is not right if they do not worry about d3, they do not want their users to feel so abandoned, otherwise d4 will not do well in sales

D3+ROS+Necro = 14 hero slots
D3+ROS Digital Deluxe+Necro = 17 hero slots

And you said…

if you had 14 heroes, with 2 tabs each = 28 tabs
If you had 17 heroes, with 2 tabs each = 34 tabs

From your post, that’s where.

You clearly say character not class.

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I see what you mean however I never typed hero slots nor classes so I can see where the misunderstandings happened, I just typed characters which is on me, so apologies for that.

Doesn’t work like that.

That is actually a great idea and it would be very easy to implement!

Misunderstandings happened so apologies for that.

I don’t buy the story that another stash tab would break the game and lag the servers. Two more tabs would make 15, that’d be two tabs per class with an extra tab for gems and miscellaneous items, which is about how much space you’d need to store each of their class sets and one of each legendary item. Some of us like being able to have many builds we can switch between. You never know when an update will change things, and some of your items that didn’t see much use become an essential part of a new build. The new gem especially opens up a lot of options.

Each item is stored as just a bit of numbers. It doesn’t write out the picture of the item, the name, all of the affixes etc, just a number for what the item is and a number for the seed of the affixes, along with a few digits for the coordinates of the item in the stash tab and which stash tab it’s in. That gets converted into the information we see in the game. I haven’t viewed the files this game uses myself, but all-in-all each item shouldn’t take more than a few bytes. Add a legendary gem in that item and you’ve got a few more bytes for the legendary gem and its level. Let’s call it 100 Bytes, but even that’s more than it should take for the item and gem. A stash tab full of 70 items socketed with gems shouldn’t take more than 10 Kilobytes to store. Ten million (well over than the total amount of D3 players across all platforms) kilobytes is 100 GB. That would be a high estimate of the cost to the server of adding a stash tab, per tab, for the entire community. As not all 10 million players are online at once, that is only the cost of the hard drive capacity for the server to store that information. The cost on the RAM to handle the load for the stash tabs of the thousands of players that may view their stash tabs simultaneously would be much lower.

Whatever the reasoning for not further increasing the amount of stash tabs is, the load on the server is not a good one. The items in your stash is nothing compared to the math the server has to do every time you do an AoE DoT with dozens of multipliers applied to your damage.

I suspect they just don’t want people getting used to the idea that they can get enough storage space for free. Then people wouldn’t want to buy more tabs when they start selling them.

In D2 you needed to create extra characters (mules) to ‘store’ your stash. If you have all of the tabs unlocked and still think you need more room, just create more characters.

Keep the ‘more’ important stuff in the actual stash tabs and the ‘other’ stuff that you might get around to eventually on the mules. If you don’t care about Forgotten Souls, then just delete the mule(s) that have stuff that you decided you will not use.

Can also buy another copy and make a new account. On that account start fresh but start on the character builds you have not used yet. Now you have alll those tabs to store more stuff for those character builds.

I see the want for more stash space as I’m a hoarder but then again, I know when to say “I guess I can trash this because I won’t use it more than likely”. If I decide later I want to make a build that utilizes it, it’s time to start farming again!

Happens from time to time anyways when they buff a certain legendary and it’s the one you use…have to go lookin for a new one. I play diablo games for the loot hunt anyways so if I get excited about a new build, I get excited about finding the gear for it.

I got the very problem and before anyone claims it: I’m no hoarder. However, like the OP said, I want to be able to play all classes and all variations of it. Regularly I’ve cleared my stash (that includes all mules and their followers) keeping only the good stuff. But after the recent introduction of new set items I’m at the end, no way to throw out more unless I sacrifice some nice ancient legendaries/primals. And yes, I got the Delux Edition and only one main of each class (all other toons are mules).
I realize that season-only players do not have that issue as they delete/rebirth the only toon they play with. That is/was never my style. I’ve always considered the non-season game as the main game. But I do realize now that I have to change my priorities. I’m stuck atm because I cannot pick up any more items, let alone swapping items to use them for other toons. The only way out is to rigorously salvage all the nice legendaries/primals and farm them anew if I want to play that particular setup.
As it is now, I just can’t force myself to do that. So I’m stuck for now. Maybe one day … :wink:

Cheers Euclid

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The problem I was told was not with TABS themselves per player, it was in shared space in group play.
There are threads (plenty) if you search ‘TAB space’ in the forum or google about this.

The most logical response I heard for this for more space, was not to add more TABS, but instead, the armory stored the items where you had made saved builds in its own space separate from the stash and carried inventory. It theoretically does not give you more space other than freeing up the existing stash pace yo ualready have for players that may have an LoD and a set build saved in armory.

You can delete duplicates of non-set items. While it is different for everyone, I got into the habit of removing the primary resource and adding a different skill on a great rolled item so the item then became generic for all classes, so I only needed one. Each to their own. Some items have no use at all. I also got into the habit of destroying any primal that I know I am never going to use for any class. As I said, each to their own, but I freed a lot of space this way.

I say the biggest disadvantage for lack of tabs is the lack of build diversity. Everybody has to narrow down their build to whatever is meta. There is no room for off-meta Legacy of Dream build Fire,Lightning etc unless u r playing only 1 or 2 classes per season. Armory Set is under utilized cuz there is no room in stash anyway.

If anything they shld focus on D4, it’s the variety of elemental builds, not the one size fits all in D3.

You should have known what I meant because there are no such thing as stash tabs specifically for characters anyways.

Did you forget this from 15 days ago?

You —> Doesn’t work like that.

You —> That is actually a great idea and it would be very easy to implement!

You —> Misunderstandings happened so apologies for that.

The trick would be to attach a few tabs to a character, like its inventory is.
Accessibility could be though the chest in town.

So remove 3 tabs from the shared stash -> max 10 tabs.
Each character has 3 dedicated tabs attached and accessible through the shared stash -> 13 tabs again.

Different character means same 10 shared tabs + 3 character specific tabs.
So the 3 tabs for any character not being played won’t be shown. As is done with its inventory.

So the total amount at any given point that is accessible, is always max 13, which the game handles properly.
Yet you get way more storage because a lot is hidden / not accessible.

This would solve the stash issue.
There are a bunch of threads proposing / discussing this.

I really hope Blizzard at least looks at this solution to determine whether this would be feasible.
It would be a great QoL improvement for quite some players, including myself.
Also, it does not in any way harm players that do not need / want the stash.

Again, the key here is that the game still has max 13 accessible and can handle this properly.

I play season most of the time and the stash space is more than I could ever need. I can hoard everything and sort through it later if I want. Non Season is a different story. Every season I have to make some hard choices and decide what items are worth keeping. I’ve been playing since launch and an item has to be an exceptional find for it to make the non season cut. I do a big purge at the end of each season and try to clear out at least one or two tabs.

Sigh I see that continuing this would be a waste of time.

I agree, it would be.

I understand where you coming from, but most people don’t understand that. I have been here from day 1 & 2 accounts. On both accounts I have like 3 tabs with nothing in them.

Why because I have mules and I keep stuff on the character that they are using. Sorry people if you can’t manage your stash spaces. I hate to see what your house looks like. It has be like the hoarders show.