Please give us a way to turn off ads in the launcher

There’s a world of difference between making a workaround yourself and “forcing” the company to do what you want. You have argued for the latter since your first post in this thread and that has been the specific scenario I have talked about.

No no no. I said nothing about boycotting. Take your meds… your selective comprehension is acting up again. I said opt-out of being spammed pop-up adverts. If there is no push back, then the silence amounts to a permission slip. If you give greedy types like the fat boy from Long Island a permission slip, you’ll soon end up with pop-up adverts for Ozempic, Icy Hot, and Car Fax. Why wouldn’t he push that crap. They [the players] must like it because nobody complains about it. Fat boy makes an easy $100 million, just by getting some folks to sign a contract and submit a few bitmaps (aka hardly working but raking in the doe).

So is yours, read my post again.

Nice post edit. I see what you did there. The quote shows the original.

I-C-U little bunny.

The edit was done long before your post, as evident by the lack of an edit flag.

Click, drag, select. Click "Quote. Continue typing. Click reply. No slight of hand. No deception.

Where is that Vincent Price laugh clip.



Again, no slight of hand and no deception.

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What the hell are you on about?

So uninstall the game
no more ads to watch
must be a mongrel watching tv with those stations not allowing you to skip the ads on YOUR TV

Hey Steve.

I don’t watch TV. I don’t like watching commercials. See, when you watch TV you pick a show that you are interested in. You think that you are there watching a show with a few interrupts. Nah. TV is just an advertisement platform. It is there to serve adverts. However, in order to lure/entice you to watch the adverts they provide short segments of entertainment. The entertainment segments serve to:

  • extend your watching time
  • keep you below your saturation point (the point where you feel you have enough and are no longer interested)
  • allow the station to serve more adverts to you

This is because western capitalist societies are dependent on excessive consumerism. The internet followed the advertisement model for capitalization (on going monetary support). Social media followed the same advertisement model with a controlled vertical scroll forcing adverts in front of your eyeballs. The advantage social media platforms have is that they don’t have to pay for the entertainment segments like the TV platforms require. The users of the social media platforms generally supply limitless content.

I don’t like being manipulated and programmed. So I don’t watch TV. I watch streamed movies, documentaries, and TV shows without the commercials. As I said earlier, I ad-block. Have you not seen the Dave Chappelle skit called “Spam Busters”. I’ll leave you to find it on the youtubes. Enjoy your commercials and adverts. I have better uses of my eyeballs and time.

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Seems that you advocate manipulating people :grin: :

I see you… At least this was funny. You can’t push a wet noodle but you can pull it. You can pick up more liquid with a wet mob than a dry mob. Hesitant and resistant students don’t learn as well. You have to build trust and develop their interest first and then they will be receptive. The learn what you teach and by telling them to keep it as a secret they mentally have to hold on to the concepts. This increases retention. When you remove the secret status and they teach it to other students this reinforces the lessons/concepts. Rote memorization has its uses, but is not always the most effective method of learning. We learn and retain the most when we make connections and establish relationships between ideas/concepts. So it isn’t about manipulation, it is about getting the pupils to build connections multiplication/division tied to a secret that they must hold on to, and later they are emotionally motivated to share on their own.


It’s about lying then?

I’m all for using fantasy and imagination and learning in fun and creative ways.

I don’t, sorry.

All that can really be done is you making a post over there.

And what gives you the idea that I do that?

So what you are saying is you don’t leave the house and some poor carer has to come look after you because otherwise you will have to go outside see all the adverts on everything trying to manipulate you and then going to the shops and buying food and being manipulated by the specials

I find it sad that you have no self control over anything and if something is advertised you have to go and buy it instead of ignoring it

You also watch all these movies, documentaries and tv shows and don’t complain about how they are manipulating and program you to continue watching their shows

Why do you think at the end of a TV show they go
next time on …
and give you a rundown of all the good bits so that you watch the next episode


Thanks Levianthan, the new thread was made.

+1. I really don’t care about Call of Duty season 5, and Blizz is gatekeeping stuff we already purchased behind ads.

I mean it’s not my favourite thing but if it were me I would put it in as well. But I tend to open other stuff when Battlenet is opening so those seconds of waiting for some other thing to start clicking on an add isn’t really a big deal.

Just overall it isn’t a big deal, o here is a box in my way that requires less than a second and one click to get this damn Call of Duty crap out of my life, can deal with that.

What do you mean with that?