Please add Mod Support

they wernt exactly supported or sanctioned by blizzard to begin with… noone from pod or project diablo 2 received assisstance or tools from blizzard… everything was community driven.

afaik, pod is based in taiwan, and pd2 is based in vancouver, british columbia. both of these countries allow you to modify software youve paid for, for non commercial purposes.

I really dont know what else to tell you, since youre so dead set on roleplaying as chicken little, and pretending the sky is falling.

d2:r will support community driven mods. if you want to take the time to see what work has already began, you would probably feel a bit more confident?

Top 3 mods will be:

  1. Character models fix - D2 classic characters instead of new broken models
  2. Infinite stash
  3. Ladder runewords and events in Single Player

You revealed that Resurrected is getting modding support – can you tell us a bit more about what that entails?

CL(Chris Lena): One of the things that has kept Diablo 2 alive is the modding community – so we appreciate all the work they have put into the game over the years. I think we can split this into two separate categories.

There have been mods in the past that injected code straight into the game, and those are the kind of things that we cannot support. But all the other mods – you know, the ones that use data and that sort of thing – we love to see those.

As we’ve gone through the game, we’ve switched a lot of things that used to be hardcoded into data. So when it comes to that [data] side of modding, there should be more things available and they’ll be easier to access.

PCGamesN Interview with Devs of D2: R

Looks like you can use CASC viewer to take a look at the archive files they have set up, but no word on how we’ll be able to modify those files yet.

You can check out the text files on [The Phrozen Keep]( if you don’t have the game installed already.

Some of this stuff is already pretty familiar to us. The more interesting bits are that there are tons of texture/model files for all acts (even 3, 4, and 5).

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I think you’re misunderstanding the point I was trying to make, it is true that modding Diablo II has always been community driven, and will continue to be so in D2:R but now with official support added into the game.

The point I was trying to make is that because they are adding more sophisticated protections to the game’s binaries it will be impossible to do modifications to the game’s binaries without also bypassing those protections set (DRM, anti-cheat, etc…), which obviously Blizzard, PK, or any modding community that wants to remain on good terms with Blizzard would be against.

The original game had no such protections so it has always been sort of a grey area to mod the game in this sort of way, but now D2:R WILL have these protections which makes things complicated if the person wants to publish their mod that include these sorts of changes for example.

The modder would also have to publish their work ALONG WITH all the methods used to bypass their protections and I imagine Blizzard wouldn’t be too happy about this. That’s really the problem, and it has been discussed on the Phrozen Keep.

It’s not the end of the world, and that wasn’t what I was trying to imply, people are still going to make mods for this game no matter what. I’m just trying to outline that in D2:R we will not have the same freedoms we had with original Diablo 2 as far how much we could do while also still being allowed/tolerated by Blizzard.

As an extra note: like I said in my initial post, this reality won’t really discourage me, along with many other modders, I’ll still mod the game with Blizzard’s new additions and still do the typical soft modding, the sky is not falling for me per-se but I felt it was worth putting this information out there so people understood what they would have to deal with if Blizzard’s additions didn’t cover what someone wanted to do/change/mod.