Pandemonium for helltooth pet build

When I first heared about the pandemonium build, I thought it would give some love to my witch doctor pet build.
After reading the details and playtesting it I noticed the helltooth pet build has gotten swiped left on once again.

  • For the duration of the Season, all players will have a stacking buff that that persists as long as you have hit or killed a monster within the last 5 seconds

As you can read above, if the pets kill the mobs it will NOT count toward your stacks. neither will be buff persist by your pets.

Is it possible to make the buff work with pets?
Dear blizzard, please reconsider and swipe right on my favorite build.

Have you actually tested this, or are you only guessing it wont work?

Pets not contributing to the kill streak is a reported and acknowledged bug…

I tested it and it does not work with the pets.
As you can read in the patch notes not working with pets is intended but just wondering if they will change it.

Not working for pets doesnt make any sense if the game has pure pet builds… :confused:

Yes, which is why it’s a bug.