P-Loot will NOT happen. Rod Fergusson on twitter

They have recently hinted at D2 style itemization. I would love for them to slap this same set with FFA in D4. But that’s a reach and a half.

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nice dream ur having out there! keep it going

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If you think that is an argument, then you still did not understand what the suggestion was about.

i still ditten se 1 suggestion for ploot. only crying. :wink:

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We knew, we always knew, we have played ploot games ourselves and understand how destructive it would be to D2R. We’ve all played D3 too and you can say that “D3 loot is soul bound!” or “D3 is instanced!” or any other catchy buzzword for personalized loot, but if it is personalized, it’s ploot, and we, like the vast majority of people who play D2, do not want this fourth wall breaking, community destroying change to be put into the King of Looters.


he made it REALLY CLEAR that,P-loot will not happen.


I hate to burst your bubble, but after several re-reads and checking the timestamps of the two twitter posts by Rub Fergusson only seperated by roughly 10 minutes (the other one saying that ploot is in internal discussion), i read it the following:

Hey guess what, family and jobs existed 20 years ago too. Just because your priorities changed doesn’t mean the game has to. Plenty of kids will be playing this after school and we wouldn’t want to alter the loot experience for them.

Take a deep breath and relax. We’re not doing it. I think it’s ok to have the discussion and understand the implications and expectations of other players. You’re literally fighting against something that isn’t being done.

In the tweet that he replies to the topic is not primarily ploot, but that an experience is taken away from the new generation.
Rob refers to it by “it”. What would “it” be? You think it is ploot, but ploot is not mentioned in the post he replies to. I think he means the “experience” that is being taken away with “it”.

That would be much more consistent with his other tweet.

See above.

Sorry DarkNinja, the spam threads will still pop-up, i am afraid.


hahahaha… you keep graspin…


woa sounds like a satanic maniac here

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spam much as u want…mayby next 20 years?


holy jesus I’ve never seen such desperate grasping in my life


I wouldnt if it was not a contradiction to another tweet he did 10 minutes apart from that one.
What do you think does “it” mean? Where is it in the original tweet?

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No, they need to create atleast 50 to retort that or whine against it… Remember, the casuals really want it, ergo, any other opinion even from the project lead, is wrong…

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Why would I be, as you call me, a “satanic maniac” for wanting a video game to be true to itself? I don’t follow what you mean?

False on “Spam threads were 90% anti-ploot.”

After a while D2:R was announced,
People started to make Ploot threads.
Way long before any anti-ploot made threads against Ploots in D2:R.

But it may seem that many of us who are against Ploot write a number of threads about not wanting Ploot in D2: R. These are just the side effects as there has been so much spam about Ploot earlier.


I’m fine and will be playing Diablo 2 in any form it’s released in. A bit sad that the game is going to die off super quick though when they could have just offered a separate ladder for players who want to play with friends. Back to single player farming I go haha.


Good job at contributing to the death of multiplayer now due to bots and players stealing the loot with the pickit scripts. Now D2R is a single player game just like D2. :clap:


Thanks god. You can keep my bucks :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the full context of all of this, Micro. It seems the team is still open to it in the future as a game mode, which is fine.

I don’t ever go on twitter so this is good info.


look at the tweets he respons to. you just post nonsens like 90% of the time you post

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