You ‘liked’ a post of mine in another thread (the Blizzard stop listening to casuals one) where I posted exactly what I think about attempts to add ploot / change drop rates / etc.
My point is that you and other posters in threads like these continue to act like I’m advocating for ploot. I’m not. Rod has not, and cannot categorically state that Blizzard will never implement ploot.
Given that ploot was in the Blizzard questionnaire sent to some people…keep in mind how big the internal discussion on this was, and may still be.
I don’t trust current Blizzard to ‘get it right’ - this is my point, so they may very well add ploot. I’ll just continue to play with the people I want to play with (shrug), and I’ll play the game as long as it is close enough to what I want from D2. That’s all.
I hope this clarifies the dynamic for some of us.
EDIT: My thoughts from the other thread: