Only available to party leader bug

Incredibly annoying bug wow. Fix this asap frrrr

I have same issues 15 mins ago…please help!

I was noticing degraded network before I tried restarting net devices. When I came back the game was prompting for creds. restarted the app, and autologin worked, but now I am getting the START GAME button is greyed out. " only available to party leader"

Just uninstalled/installed the app Still there

I am starting to think this is a server outage

I now have the same problem! Blizzard help

Itd make sense i made a new password and it gave me the option to start the game but said servers were busy

Known outage ya’ll. Check BNet Launcher.

ye sitting on it currently waiting for there servers to come up and it says nothing

It is error 315000. Did you have a blanket ban since that is the chat silence ban as well?

It’s a known issue, everyone is affected.

this bug is an individual bug, the normal fix for it is to switch characters then switch back again. Looked it up. This is a server wide hit… this is not a bug.

It’s bigger than that. Friends lists aren’t loading either.

yes Think there may be shenanigans

I’m having the same issue , my friends list though is finally back.

i has no fwends…sad day…everyon defriended me :frowning:

Ive tried switching toons, didnt fix it. I’ve logged out and back in. Sometimes I get this, sometimes I get stuck in a queue with it saying 1 second, but never goes into the game, and it wont leave the queue.

Again, it’s a known outage. You’re not going to fix it client-side.

This really sucks. I am newer to this game, Diablo III, and I lost a level up. Ugh. Does this happen often?

Not really. It happens sometimes, but I can’t remember the last time it’s happened to be honest.

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It is fixed on my end


I’ve been playing since it was in beta. It doesnt happen often luckily, but it is fustrating. I took a break from D3 for a couple months, come back and now this. I was playing, got booted, and now cant get back in.