Only 10% of players want Rend/WW Barb Nerfed for next season

No he wasn’t it was a different clear, you chose to conflate it to keep pushing your agenda.

EDIT: I find it interesting that the system prevents me from quoting your post.

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I have absolutely no problem with them taking necro thorns out of the game, but I think saying the necro is going to drop 2 grs is way optimistic. I’d be willing to bet it drops more like 6 or 8 grs without thorns. What’s the highest non thorns necro clear?

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DP’s rift was a really good rift, one you would drop hundreds of keys fishing for, not to mention he has 10500 para which is over 50k strength. The clear is an outlier that could be used at best to gauge the ceiling for the build, since those conditions will not be met by the average player. I doubt we see anything above 142 with WW if it even goes live like this.

Now I am a fan of the current WW/Rend but lets be real, Chanto was nerfed because it was too strong, with this build being relatively the same level I do not see all these buffs going live.

It was humorous he was trying to downplay it in the video as well, the mobs and the tile were GG, the only thing that was bad were the affixes.

They weren’t so bad though, the worst was wormhole, with that much strength you can stand in pretty much whatever and be ok.

I don’t play a barbarian as my main, and I think it would be silly to nerf them. But my enjoyment of the game doesn’t have to come at the expense of others. Blizzard should just buff everything.


I have come to the conclusion that if you say the N*** word on this forum that you will get a lot of heat even if you were not asking for a n***. Check out my post on Squirt’s Necklace. So many people on this forum are way to sensitive over any downward adjustments or even removing obvious unintended buffs. I would even say that some would prefer to leave glitches in if it got them a few GRs. Well, whatever. I am going to play a barb next season because the ww/rend was fun on the PTR. Even if they n*** it.


They better not nerf it. Barb has needed this stuff for years now and when the barb finally feels good, people cry…


That’s an asinine reason to make an adjustment.

Condemn/Invoker allow for the same option, so nerf them too?

My friend when has it ever worked like this? Wall charge is a thing because it out classes every other option, if they nerf WW everyone just swaps to the next best. Same for Crusaders, DH, Wiz, Monk etc.

How did Condemn become #1 for so long? Blessed Shield nerfs, Hammerdin nerfs/lack of adjustment, Rolands lack of adjustment, Heaven’s fury is just god awful in solo etc.

The ‘balance’ cycyle is hard to track but what happens is the dev team buffs a build and eventually brings everything else up. Very, very slowly. Say ww goes live, nerfed. Then next ptr the dev team decides that gr 145-6 is the new benchmark for solo, and buffs a class set to be able to achieve that. In that case these nerfs were literally for nothing and the only thing that really happens is a build that is a fun and currently (on live) underpowered build continues to be underpowered.

Oh, and we’re talking about one of the WORST solo builds in the game currently for barb as well, in regards to WoTW.

Reason being previous nerfs,present lack of development for items/sets. Invoker has a faulty interaction with Vo’Toyas spiker and a few other issues. Blessed Shield/Condemn have no single target potential. Hammerdin is squishy and rather underpowered at this point. Rolands is Kik’s department so I won’t speak to it. The DH/Monk players can speak to their issues, I don’t play either class seriously.

Leave WoTW alone; focus on the other sets/classes I say. Progression, not regression.


It’s not progression it’s called powercreep

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Plenty of time has it been like that. Check some LB and you’ll see sometimes exactly one build, sometimes two, sometimes even more. S16 - Invoker & roland on first page. Currently, LoD WoL + gen monk on first page NS. And maybe even condemn + invoker as well on crusader solo.
It is not a dream to have several builds up on the front page.