OKAY, so Blizz did it

The seasonal theme really isn’t that bad. Make a few changes here and there and it could actually work. But instead of doing that, they do the “double bla bla bla” instead.

Last time there was an issue with the seasonal theme and they doubled the goblins. That’s fine and it was fun. Who doesn’t like chasing down more goblins?However, it still would have been better if they just fixed the actual seasonal theme.

This time? Double Bounties. Again, fine and fun. However, again, it would be better to just fix the season. While I will be taking advantage of the double bounties, I will still be shaking my head at yet another missed opportunity to do something different and unique.

Yes, I just took a ride in the Waaabulance.
:ambulance::dash: <------ The Waaabulance full of QQ!


…or you could get nothing. So there’s that.


Yes, this is very true. I can not deny that at all. Something is a whole lot better than nothing. For that I am thankful. As I stated, I will take advantage of the double bounty goodness. Not saying it’s a bad thing. However, I still think they could have at least tried to do something to the theme rather than just tossing out the easy and lazy here is some “double bla bla bla” with the not so subtle “bleep bleep bleep” now go way.

Keep it in the proper thread. They might remove the OP. They have done it before.

Yeah, there is that. Or it can just be closed off entirely. Meh, it happens. I’ll be honest, I rarely look at the top of the screen for the blue posts. I scroll down and see what the players are saying.

Thanks for the heads up.