Official Response to TurboHud

Distributed blockchain servers would fix this instantly.

That was because Gabynator was publicly reported over time, it would be bad promo to not ban him, an easy effort to save their own face, business oriented, not because they actually cared. That is evident in so many other cases that didn’t gain the same popularity.

Either way that is personal opinion. If you believe that Blizzard cares about combating bots and THUD, I will respect that, and for your sake I hope you are right, and that you won’t be disappointed.

Blizzard already can see what you are running on your PC… it’s called warden. Been there for many years. So if you are one of those people that think that Blizzard can not see what 3rd party apps you are running on your pc then I have some ocean front property that I would like to sell you in Arizona.

True, but its not Kernel level. There are a few games now employing Kernel level protection. And those are considered in some cases invasive, as they have system level access.

Personally, most of us already have such online presence and data floating on the web that one more program isn’t going to make much difference. The reality though, is I prefer to know what a program like that will do, and what it won’t do and still have the option to not use it (and subsequently not play the game) if its required to play that game.

For me its like a subscription based game. I do not play them. I don’t believe in a subscription to play games. So I don’t. Some may not accept or believe in a system with that level of control. So that may mean they won’t play those games either.

I will say this though.

If they do have or include that sort of protection, then it BETTER work. If they did that, and cheating and botting remained rampant, then that would be the last straw for me.

Game on.

i saw video about it this year on youtube. i don’t know what blatant advantages it should bring. but the statistics were awesome. why is that not stolen and built into the game? in wow the devs have been doing it for years and players have greatly improved the game with their addons. raids and bgs are a lot of fun. i couldn’t imagine healing others without addons!
nothing is done in d3. The main thing is to produce stupid icon for one season. how much effort is it? 2-4 hours a month? and this is new content for 3-4 months …
no wonder that nothing is done in d3. they don’t even need any anit-cheat code to ban botters. online statistics says it all. and many good players have reported about it in great detail and often. nothing has been done so far!
for example this topic:
and!!! do you know live streams from bots with high paragon on youtube? so it couldn’t be more ridiculous …

As a casual player (I’ve never even cleared a GR100 unless I was being carried) I was kind of curious what this was after seeing the thread. So I looked it up and I don’t get the big deal.

Also if blizz sees this, make elites appear on map like the videos of THUD showed! Holy crap is it annoying to keep track of those stupid things sometimes.

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I see Turbo HUD got sold to the BOTTERS.

Hate BOTTING as it affects my game. Every time i join a bounty and some fool is banging into a wall i wanna cry.

There are 3 things in TH that really should be in standard D3. Visibility of orbs, bosses and (better visibility of) exits.

In a real cave an exit is visible before you see it…fresh air, light, temperature change… Large glowing orbs and powerful demon bosses…its not a stretch to think that they should be more visible than they are, especially for older players like me.

Everything else, the plugins, BOTS - yea all cheats. No excuse.

I hope the game designers consider making the orbs and bosses stand out in the map. Maybe a faint glow near an exit. I hate to see TH monetized for BOT hackers. Wanting too clearly see orbs and elites on the mini-map is far from the equivalent of running BOTS.

And then put something in place to make running bounties with scripts impossible. There are so many viable solutions.


The necromancer is alive and bringing back the dead.

Is it against user privacy for blizzard to scan chat logs for keywords associated with thud? Such as when people say there’s 7.8% trash on the screen, or people who post in public communities looking for players with GPS, etc. I feel like if they did that for the players who are higher up on the leaderboard, they could send a warning to them and that would scare people out of using the equivalent of steroids to contaminate the game with a negative attitude due to unfair advantages being normalized.