Odyssey dual gen vs. single gen GoD

Getting ready to start season 21 as GoD DH but haven’t been able to play nonseason since patch dropped.

Those of you who have tested several variations of GoD, what are the overall pros and cons of dual generator with Odyssey’s End vs. using dawn and fortress ballista and cubing quiver?

Odyssey’s end bonus is huge, but using two generators prevents you from doing constant HA damage. Entangling is only 4 second duration. You also miss out on toughness. Maybe it’s a huge difference by exploiting bursts during CoE cold cycle?

Is it reasonably easy to utilize squirts necklace with Fortress Ballista? If so, that would be a big factor to even them out.

You might want to consider the points in this thread:

As for the dual vs single generator, I think Odyssey’s End is better on paper but you need to be very careful with managing the entangling shots. If you mistime it, everything gets untangled and your damage drops by a lot!

That said, I prefer the Fortress Ballista setup but I run Flavor of Time instead of Squirts. I use the shield to provide sustain while I strafe inside oculus rings more easily. I was able to clear a GR130 so far with such a build at 3k paragon.

Update: I attained GR135 so far with Fortress Ballista and just under 3.1k paragon.


Thanks Iria!

I will read through that thread.

Have you tried wearing Ess of Yohan amulet? Seems like the pixel pulls would be nutty with enough AD when playing solo.

See this other thread regarding that issue:

Wow, great thread. That helps a lot

I put that on my follower as well as ring of occulus and unity

Wear FOT CoE Unity
Cubed elusive…WHile not hitting GR130…I am not near P3000…hitting GR85 P<1000

GR 103 under 800P. Playing O End.

My gear is “OK” but there’s lots to be done on it… I’m working on some new ideas now of how to go higher long term.