Odd Video Artifacts in Diablo III

Just a heads up to the Diablo III support team. I really do not want to hear this is a problem with my hardware since this happens through several fresh installs, hardware changes like a new video card, memory, bare service/driver free boots, etc.

Playing certain areas, Moors bounty chest seems repeatable, toon carcasses will streak across the screen leaving smears. Sometimes the toon is dead, sometimes it appears like the toon may not be dead - just moving ultra fast.

This is happening at 150 fps fullscreen; it happens in windowed mode, resolution from 4k to 1080, too.

I have images showing the problem, but can’t see a way to post them here.

  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
  5. This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this… http://www.ThisIsAnExample.com/HowToMakeLinks.htm

Hey Eridani,

I replied to you here and here. When you submit the ticket you can add a reply to the ticket and attach the images as well.