Eh, agriculture is not exactly a very free market anywhere.
Governments very much tell farmers what to do.
Just look at the recent trade war between US and China, and the ensuring handouts to farmers. And the subsidies received in general.
Which is a big part of what we have learned about capitalism over the centuries. The concept has some deep, inherent flaws that needs to be taken care of, otherwise the system implodes upon itself. The government interference that libertarians tend to dislike, is the very thing that keeps capitalism alive.
And sure, capitalism very much should be kept alive, it seems we can agree on at least one thing in this regard, capitalism has been a, if not the, driving force for good in the world over the last centuries. Even with its many flaws.
Not going to provide a link, since some people would just flag me, but look for:
Thomas Sowell: Systemic Racism “Has No Meaning”
Most of these are differences that comes from our modern world, and not the world in which he wrote.
Capitalism/society changed. Probably in no small part due to the criticism of its glaring issues.
Does he draw a bunch wrong conclusions? Yeah, very much so.
Anyway, this whole economics side-thing doesn’t have much to do with the topic. It was only really introduced because some people seemed to argue that capitalism offers protection against the stuff Blizzard has been sued for. But neither Friedman, Sowell, Marx or anyone else is going to offer much help there. It is much more basic human nature than that.
Blizzard has been accused. It seems Blizzard has now also admitted to at least part of the claimed wrongdoings, which is an important first step. Only time will tell if anything changes at Blizzard (hard to believe it will), and whether the lawsuit goes anywhere.
Until then, all everyone can do is to bring attention to the issues. They dont go away just because people forget to talk about it in a week.