No, not remotely like gravity.
Market forces do not work like they are “supposed to” theoretically. Because humans dont work like they are “supposed to” in these theories. That is just the way it is.
But yeah, “people acting based on what they think is in their best interest” is important. Very much not the same as what is in their best interest however. And as long as you understand that people do not always act in what they believe is their own best interest. You cant simplify human actions to such a degree.
As was said earlier, people make decisions all the time that are neither rational or utility maximizing.
With a prime reason being that the idea of the “economic man” is quite wrong. Representing a significant flaw behind all classic economic theory (and of course, any economist worth their title today, know and accept this).
Of course, on a macro level, if enough people act in a semi-rational self-interest way (which is still quite the assumption to make), you can still make reasonable (which is not the same as being particularly accurate) behavioral models and predications based on it.
But an individual company, or the individual people in that company, such as the case this thread is based on, are not an aggregated macro level system.
They wont adhere to any theory on how they should behave.
Not really. Often you just have to “know someone”, family members or otherwise.
I wish I could take you for drinks to discuss this at length. But oh well. I am writing here to help unbiased readers in their understanding.
You don’t need 100% rational behavior for the market forces to govern. Animals also don’t always act in their best interest but laws of nature govern no matter what one researcher or another may say.
And economists and “models”! I’d laugh if it weren’t tragic. The largest US financial institutions had “the greatest models and databases” on subprime mortgages. At the same time it was obvious that this was unsustainable.
My point exactly.
Economic theory will only take you so far.
You have to accept that people will act in ways that can seem irrational or even self-harming. Even when moving above the individual level.
And thus cant make the flawed conclusion that the market will prevent discrimination. When we know, both from empirically looking at the world around us, and from our knowledge on human behavior, that this does not happen.
Human beings are more than willing to “leave money on the table”, in exchange for spiting other people. Aka. discriminate, suppress etc.
Probably because we derive pleasure from it, as sad as it is.
No you dont. But you would need it to draw the conclusions you do, about the effects of the market forces; such as them having any magical ability to prevent unequal pay.
Seems like a fairly relevant piece of news.
Especially if you adhere to any kind of belief, like Tolfdir above, in the rational behavior of people. The foundation for that is 100% information. People need to know about these cases, so they can make a decision about what it means to them.
Why would you post here if it bothers you? If you don’t care go back to waiting for Season release on Console. Which works the say way it has always worked, but I see that upset you.
Like many tech fields, game development and publishing has been (and still is) dominated by white men. The issues discussed in the suit can’t be resolved with more training, more rigorous ethics codes, and promises to do better, because the problems under discussion are systemic. They’ve existed as long as the industry has existed, many layers deep, and often at the encouragement, explicit or otherwise, of top level management.
I agree with Brandy and others that this has been a long time coming, and I hope the suit forces Acti-Blizz to clean up their act, but unless actions are taken to dismantle the power structures that permit this kind of workplace culture to exist in the first place, I very much doubt this is the last we’ll hear of the matter.
what happens in a company is not the plebs problem, especially that usually its fake news by competitors to bring the market value / brand down as even if it will be the outcome that none of this is true, the brand already suffered. Like #metoo bullsh*t. The game is the same even if some boss decided to do smthg bad so ppl here shouldnt care, i assume the one who spreads this in forums is working for a competitor or paid by them… just irritated by these tricks…
The plebs? Really?
What happens in a company is very much the customers problem. Deciding if they want to give money to such a company. This is the very foundation of having a free market.
Which of course would also be useful information.
But uh, until any indication of such a scheme came to light, I think it needs to be filed under Conspiracies.
Yes, yes it is. My friends are there and I make purchase decisions based on what I know about companies. That is my right as a consumer. Likewise it is your right as a consumer not to care what a company does if that is what you prefer.
This is not fake news. This is a formal lawsuit filed by the state of California against Blizzard over their labor practices. The state of California has some of the strictest labor laws (pro worker), in the US.
Further, I know enough folks at Blizzard to know the allegations are solid and true. It does not apply to all Blizzard and there are many kind and caring folks who work very hard on their games and support their teams. There are also bad actors and behaviors that were allowed to fester in parts of the company over the years. What ends up happening as a result in the courts? I don’t know how that will turn out. Likely fines, wage payments, and some sort of “plan for improvement” to prevent the issues.
No, Avalon has been posting here for well over 5 years. He is not a secret agent trying to stir drama to benefit another company. I do realize some companies do that - but Avalon is not one of those folks.
The term “red-pilled” has another meaning in the context of social discourse and political/social philosophy: it aligns with anti-feminist, right-wing ideologies, many of which are pro-fascist, anti-science, and many more of which also align with separatist/racist ideas.
To sum up: red-pill = garbage.
The “world as it actually is” argument is an easy, though not very clever, way of simplifying things. It’s myopic, and assumes “the world” isn’t subjective to many cultures, peoples, and so forth. Miss Cheetah is correct when she notes that being “red-pilled” is nothing to be proud of, and I’d add that defending red-pill ideologies, or arguing that it’s a harmless reference to a movie and not also a way to dog whistle trash beliefs is, at best, disingenuous.
Thank you. I was going to address it but you did a great job. Yes, the movie explanation was a start, years ago, but that is not how it is used now and was not how it was being used in this thread.
It is possible Meteorblade really does not know about that, if he does not follow the MGTOW/gamergate/rest of the far right stuff. I thought people knew about that in England though.
Again though,
I don’t see how the following would even be controversial or “trigger” anyone.
Equal pay for equal work
Equal opportunity for professional development and advancement for staff based on experience, performance, and seniority.
A work environment free of harassment and sexual abuse.
This applies to ALL workers. Not one group. How anyone can argue about that is beyond me.
Uh, no. That’s not it at all. Many fields are dominated by white men because other races and genders have been actively dissuaded from working in them–in some cases, and for long periods of time, they’ve been actively barred. Far more black students are encouraged to pursue sports as opposed to math and tech-related fields, and that’s not because those students don’t have an aptitude for those fields. Consider that until Civil Rights legislature was passed that created legal precedent for anti-discrimination suits, black workers were barred from almost all fields not related to agriculture, manual labor, and service work. Many black families do not have the generational wealth found in wealthy white families with roots in big business. There is ample historical evidence, centuries worth, to refute what you’re saying, and you’re ignoring it . . . why?
Your argument that “this is merit” ignores systemic injustices, history, and, well, facts. I’m sorry, but no: the world is much more nuanced, and the decks are often stacked against specific populations of people. Left to their own designs, free markets and private enterprises are not going to change that.
With all due respect, this is complete bunko. The free market has historically been absolutely complicit in the perpetuation of systemic injustices, in the workplace and beyond, and it does so in order to maximize profit for the select few able to rise above the position of base (in the sense of what we generally assume as blue collar) laborer.
There is some bunko, outdated economic philosophy getting floated in this thread, and I am not about it.
Possible, and if so, then he has my sincere apologies. But a common tactic among gamergate types is to pretend the term is harmless, to deflect inquiry from its political or philosophical associations, particularly when it has come under critical scrutiny (which, I want to emphasize, it cannot withstand).
If you don’t think any of these guys weren’t doing this or knew about and did nothing you are incredibly naive or willfully ignorant. It has nothing with becoming big.
Here in Brazil there are several cases of false accusations or partially true accusations.
An example is the super sensitive people who are offended by behaviors different from the behaviors of their own home or school.
There are also people who use politically/ideologically (to promote leftism and progressivism) and economically (change in the stock market / change in the market niche) this type of accusation.
Are all reports really true? That would be a big disappointment, but not a surprise…
Quite easily. The first can be a trigger to those that do not think women are equal and are not deserving of the same pay as a man. Nor are women ever deserving of promotions or high level positions at the expense of a man.
The third triggers the same group since the feel women are sexual objects for men to take advantage of. So how dare anyone tell then they can give a pat on the behind, rub some shoulders, or have inappropriate conversations of a sexual nature around women.