Not new but might as well be - inventory help

I’ve been playing Diablo since the first game. I’ve played solo and offline until D3. So I knew nothing about builds, let alone most game terminology. What I need at the moment is inventory help. I’m a packrat and save everything, and Sony know what I need and don 't. As a result, I have8 stash tabs completely full and don’t know what to keep or pitch. Help?

Hey RedRain, forgive my laziness but I’m just going to copy a comment of mine I made some time ago that I hope will help you too.

I’ve found Icy Vein’s Salvage Guide to be pretty handy for situations like this. It’s a list of all the items that are used in any Icy Veins build, so you can Ctrl+F and look for the item, and if it doesn’t appear, odds are it’s not likely to be used in any current build.

Obviously it’s not perfect - your mileage will vary depending on how you feel about Icy Veins. Alternatively, you could do a search on Diablo Fans - make sure you set the parameters to show either relatively recently updated builds, or only search for builds for the most recent patch/season, otherwise you’ll be looking at a lot of outdated builds from 2014 :sweat_smile:

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If you don’t use it, salvage.
If it has a decent legendary power, cube it.
If you have any (non legendary) gems other than marquise, imperial, and flawless royal, either upgrade them or sell them.
If you have any white, blue, or yellow items, salvage.


90% of legendary items without legendary powers (orange text at bottom of item description box) are only for salvage. But not all of them, so be careful. For instance Sultan of Blinding Sands has no legendary power but it does come with the % chance to blind enemies. Good sword to give to your Enchantress. Use your own discretion.

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Thanks! I’ve been to Icy Veins a couple times, and use Team BRG during seasons.

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