No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

what is the point of having casters completely decimate clearing speed vs. melee? do you prefer it super lop sided?

it’s fine as it is. if ur not happy play caster. iam fine with melee as they are no probs

Yes to splash! you have my vote sir!

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maybe u 2 can splash each others until u had enough from that :laughing:

are you done trolling?

I don’t mind melee splash, it will only make it alot less frustrating as a melee character and as for Charm Inventory that would be fine too. I was pretty disappointed that they didn’t increase the inventory, so now it’s the same thing again, fill whole inventory with charms and leave 1x8 space left so you can pick up an item if it drops… so annoying.

All you gain with Charm Inventory is 1x8 of more charms basicly or if you already fill your whole inventory with charms, then you dont have to drop your charms on the ground everytime an unique drops

Pretty comical that giving splash would give melee even more of an advantage for loot, and if ploot was a thing I would be more receptive to the idea of splash.

Melee Splash.

So weak sounding…like a Magikarp flopping around before going Gyarados.

Yes to optional ploot and yes to melee splash.

So do your melee summons also benefit from this?

Probably not as they are summons, not a melee attack skill. Summon Nec is already pretty well off also. The way it’s done on PD2 is that they add a melee splash modifier to melee weapons. They could add it to certain skills in D2R I suppose though. The point is to make melee chars more competitive with aoe casters.

In d2 you can have a 1 point smiter killing all of the ubers hitting one enemy at a time, that same sorc you are talking about would die in 5 seconds. Melee is already better at killing any boss actually.

If they made melee as strong as you’re asking for then there wouldn’t be a point to play casters at all

Ubers is 2% of gameplay. Killing mobs is 98%.

I’m against melee splash as a stat. I’d rather it be applied to specific skills so it doesn’t break the game since there are already balance aspects of the game regarding it. You see scaling builds are the strongest builds in the game if you get the equipment for it. Making barbarian the strongest class in the game if they get this equipment. Without that equipment they are by far the weakest class.

So if they apply melee splash to the strongest class in the game then obviously it’s going to introduce a balance issue. I’d rather melee classes just get more options for aoe in their skills. Since most of their skills are extremely redundant. Barbarian doesn’t really even need this. They just need to buff whirlwind. Probably remove whirlwind as scaling, but make it work on damage scaling instead. That way it can function as a skill and you just spec into it to increase the damage. Classic Whirlwind’s problem was the damage negative didn’t start low enough. So the skill became way too strong way too quickly.

But do you not see that each and every one of caster spells are AoE by nature? Plus they are ranged which is superior.

Melee requires them to walk up to each monster, and individually target one at a time. It’s much inferior.

PD2 implemented melee splash and casters still ran circles around melee’s.

Not all spells are aoe. A lot of spells have very limited aoe. Some of the aoe isn’t reliable. They certainly do have more of it, but it’s comparable to the aoe you get while using dual wielding skills. Which would be even better if the enemies defensive stats weren’t double what they are supposed to be. xD

Melee splash breaks the game more than i expected it when i tried it in pd2. No thanks

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you’ve obviously never tried it because it didn’t break anything in pd2. Casters still trumped by a large margin.

Make personal loot something you can toggle off or on when creating a game, make it super visible if a game has personal loot on or off and don’t allow it be changed once a game is created.

Everything in path of diablo is broken. Hell necromancers have a skill in it that literally sets the monster’s life to 0 artificially and bypasses all resistances and curse immunity. xD

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