No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

illegal … you keep using that word but it doesn’t apply the way you think it does. You’re making a ridiculous comparision and it’s simply not the same thing. You should probably stop typing [edit: and they continue typing anyway (Archie Bunker reference lol)].

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They are illegal, the only reason why blizzard doesnt force them to shut them down is because they dont want to.

The analogy with p2p streaming software is 100% acurate.

Yeah, somehow it’s illegal yet Blizzard has no problem with them? What are you talking about? On PD2 they will ban your account if you don’t have legit CDkeys for you install D2/LOD…

Take a look if you ahve the time.

Once again, what are you talking about? How does having less mod support for D2R(already extremely lame) have anything to do with mods for the original D2? Let alone make them “illegal”…

It’s talking about the servers as far as potential illegality, not the actual mods.

Edit : And the reason being simply because you could play said mods without owning a copy of D2/LOD, even though that is not the case with the current most popular mod PD2 because the people that run it require you to have legit keys for the games. They’re just screwing people who want to play on private servers because they’re being lame even when people like those on PD2 have their back as far piracy.

I don’t think your examples have been chosen so well.
A smiter has different strengths than a sorceress.
You can easily do Uber low equipped with a smiter … not with a sorc.

Nevertheless, I find splash damage useful, but through a random item roll or a rune or something similar.
As with PD2, this is totally exaggerated that almost every weapon has splash dmg.

I mean if you were a melee character using a non-splash weapon doesn’t really make sense, so why wouldn’t they put it out every weapon…?

As far as the different character samples…in the end you have smiter for ubers, Then a decked out Sorceress or Hammerdin for everything else…that’s it. If you think other classes/specs are better for something other than for funsies you’re kidding yourself(and I’m referring to PvE, PvP falls under funsies for me)

Because splash damage just doesn’t match the characters.
It shouldn’t be given away.
As a sorc, you cannot conjure up Orb directly. Why should the paladin at level 10 be able to knock down a group in one hit?
Every character improves over time, just like splash damage should be.


Melee classes also have aoe damage, by the way. Whirlwind with the barbarian - zealer with shock aura, every class has its advantages and every class also has its weaknesses.
The disadvantages of one are the advantages of the other.
It would be almost useless if it had no teleport.
Teleport is one of the few reasons why it is so strong, hardly anyone is interested in massdmg.

With some melee characters you are faster than with sorc - if they had no teleport.
One of the main reasons it’s so popular in early game.
I am also for splash damage, but the topic is exaggerated

…I guess? By Orb do you mean Frozen Orb? I mean they could make so splash doesn’t appear until exceptional weapons? Or just add the splash to Melee skills like Zeal or Frenzy which would be fine and is the biggest problem in the first place. Every spell or at least the ones worth using having an AoE effect to some degree with no sacrifice to the amount of damage done to single target, as well as being ranged, and has no need to have AR to not miss. WW and shockadin are garbage damage compared to Sorcs and Hammerdin, who can also teleport around (Hammerdin needs Enigma, but since it’s a caster spec the teleport is actually good thanks to needing FCR for the spec). There’s also the fact that sorcs can use multiple elements for Immunities (and the runeword polearm with conviction aura on it on a merc, whose name escapes me, to break immunities) and there are very few Magic damage immunes for Hammerdins.

and early game is pretty insignificant of time vs endgame… And please tell who is not interested in mass damage? What Melee character is supposedly stronger than sorcs at the end game? Hell what Melee character is faster than a sorc at mid game?

Papers please.


Isn’t it normal for a melee to be slower since they’re tankier? :slight_smile: Seems normal to me.
Don’t get me wrong I like melee splash, but I wouldn’t dare try to impose it.

Casters cant do ubers.
Melee are better for the extreme end content- Ubers.
Casters are better for your generic magic find runs.

Ideally you start the game with a Sorceress of any type, and you use her ability to speed run magicfind runs to fund your next character.
Hammerdin works as well, but you’d need to run maphack inorder to compete with Sorceress’s speed.

I think having no melee splash damage on melee characters is not the problem. The problem is that melee characters dont perform well compared to casters and melee splash would a possible solution to the problem. But it would be a very drastic change of the game and would need careful consideration. E.g., adding spash damage to certain items would make those items a must. Adding it to all items would be dull. Maybe some skills could be buffed with splash. For example Concentrate of the barbarian. Then with two-handed weapons (which I feel are under used because they are unattractive) the splash radius could be better. But it would need to be balanced that other barbarian builds do not become obsolete.

It is good if classes play very different. In D3 all classes played the same. An improvement could be if melee characters would be buffed that they could withstand damage from monsters better so that they can kill them rather relaxed. And casters could be rebalanced that that they would have to rely on hit and run tactics and beeing a glass cannon much more.

But in a way melee casters are punished in several aspects: they need attack rate to hit (the sorce hits always), they need weapons difficult to get to make reasonable damage (the sorce just puts points into the tree), they need to be near the monsters (the sorce is far away) and other stuff. There should be more advantages for melees to make up for that.

PvM is a very basic aspect of the game and every class should be able to manage it reasonable well.

Uhhh. What about spells like - Zeal, Fury, Lighting StriKe, Fend And the god king of them all Whirlwind

Seems like melee be splashing my dude.

Perhaps you just sad because kick assassin was not invited to the party? Shoulda rolled trap my guy. We don’t know what to tell
you. Make better choices.

Zeal is a single-target skill, but targetting multiple enemies in rapid succession. That’s not AoE / splash. Lighting Strike is a range shot, how is that in melee discussion? WW is AoE but the radius is laughable compared to caster’s AoE.

Strike is melee my dude. Lightning Fury is the ranged one. #howtozon

Ok I was getting it mixed up. But either way you picked a niche area of one build where they use lightning. Talk about Concentrate barb, berserk, vengeance , jab, zeal, etc.

Ummmm. I named 4 different characters that have some form of aoe or splash damage as melee.

Seems like you just a mad kicksin upset you didn’t go traps.

There’s still time. Go ahead and do that DOE quest in A1. You get a free respec.

In PD2, casters STILL trump melee even when they have melee splash.

The absolute absurdity that a fully geared expensive Frenzy barb is hitting 1 enemy at a time, while an average sorc mows down the entire mob with one cast.

this ain’t PD2 ur welcome to go back there if u wish so.