No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

The sad thing is: put melee splash on a Reddit poll, and how many will vote yes?

I wouldnt be surprised if a majority or near voted yes to melee splash in a reddit poll.

So by this board’s logic, the people would have spoken and melee splash should be put in if it hit a majority, right?

Or if it’s almost a majority, how about making it a toggle game to game? That way you could play how you want, dont tell anyone else how to play, right?

I don’t know. You may be right, but as someone who wants a few changes, I would vote no on Melee Splash. I just don’t think it’s a good solution. It’s a band-aid on a larger issue.

The changlings will never be happy, people need to understand this.

No, just because everyone yells they want something doesn’t mean it should be added. I think the important part is that the developers look at what they believe would make the game more successful while preserving what made the game great to begin with. That’s why regardless, I think a 1.14 option should always be available, incase something goes wrong with changes. No one loses out.

Yeah, I think that is a good way to describe it.

And so much this. First change Blizzard need to add is a Permanent 1.14 No Changes server/realm. That will never ever get more changes.

Then they can add stuff to the Changes Realm.

you already can though… thats the thing, you ALREADY CAN…

you ALREADY CAN use a 4x8 space for pvm and use cube… and EVERYONE who chooses to farm effectively already does.

just becuase “you choose to not do it” donest mean you “couldn’t” do it before.

for there to be a change in balance it has to change something that you could do…

if u want to argue that u can use 1 more skiller becuase you dont need cube sure that would be an argument, that has already been caculated for and deemed an acceptable change givin the QOL imrpovements, but that is a balance change.

you are “choosing” to play inefficiently because its more fun
you already have access to this power, you are CHOOSING to not use it because being able not being able to pick up items is a terrible design
which is the precise reason why we WANT to make it so that terrible design is removed.

this does not “add power” ort change balance because said power is “already” there
all it does is remove the BS restriction that prevents you from using it. so all builds can be played in their most “fun” way while not sacrificing efficiency.

Can, but don’t. I currently have chars in D2LoD, that if I moved them into D2R and had a charm inventory, they would immediately become stronger. This is a fact.

For my chars, it would be a change in their strength. By several thousand damage on casters, and by probably 5-8% damage on each melee char.

For all intents and purposes, and for many many players, a charm inventory would make the game easier. This is not a QoL change, merely.


Can we please keep the mod stuff in the mods? Yeay charm inventory and melee splash and all that stuff is awesome and great and fun, it’s just not vanilla D2. We got this stuff in the mods, we will keep this stuff in the mods. Please stop trying to make it part of vanilla D2.

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Yeah no. Mods only addressed what they thought vanilla D2 could improve on, and they nailed it. It would be smart for devs to absorb some inspiration from what these mods did great.


A real life version of the “nailed it” meme. Lmao, yeah no they definitely didn’t “nail it” except in the context of the meme, lol.

They already have taken inspiration from mods, with the shared stash. QoL.


Nah, mods add messy stuff one can enjoy when done with the vanilla game. Vanilla game should be clean, well balanced, easy to comprehense, no surprises, no risks.

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typical purist mentality this. game will stay stagnant unless you take “risks” to change the game. It’s not even a risk when the community knows what the change will be and votes on it. Plus, a lot of stuff is already implemented in mods, and shown that it was successful.

Define successful. There were a few thousand people playing from time to time on many different mods, compared to millions playing real D2.

By that logic, starcraft should have been remade as a custom game, because a small fraction of 1% of sc players played a specific custom game.


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And you think shutting down the modded servers they play on, in a way that isn’t the default game, is going to make them say “aw, shucks, guess we need to go play on bnet” or something? Smooth move there. Exactly what Blizz needs to do is piss off more customers lmao.

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All splash damage does is make every character aoe. It really ruins the feel of the classes.


Beeing against your terrible ideas does not make one a purist. Maybe try it again with an better idea and stop calling people “purists” then the feedback might be better.

And “hahaha would be so funny if axe goes splaaaash” is typical mod content that has absolutely no place in vanilla D2.

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Nope, but they would stop stealing more players.

If they get pissed it is their problem. If someone were stealing in a shop to giveaway all he steals, those who get the stolen stuff would also get pissed when the police came. It is not good to take stolen goods, you know?

It’s not stealing players though. Most of the people I have ever met that play these mods and make them have played the base game absolutely to death. It’s BORING to them. They aren’t coming back to give $40 to Blizzard.

Edit: And did you know there are even people that play multiple versions of a game or gasp multiple games?

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No. As a longtime barbarian player/enthusiast, adding melee splash is not necessary. Every class has something it excels at, and they all have different playstyles as it is. Keep them different.

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Good for them, but they are users of an illegal plattform, just like those who watch sport events using p2p software.