No Revive Option After Death in GR?

Thought I’d come back and play D3 after a LONG time and as soon as I try doing a GR I die and suddenly I can’t respawn. Decided to make this post on the VERY rare possibility someone from Blizz actually responds to these.

There’s no respawn menu. The screen is just me watching where I died. Timer still running and screen isn’t greyed out.

Also, had another issue where I couldn’t Switch Hero, Start Game or go into Game Settings, all menus were blanked out and could not be clicked. Had to restart the game.

Both issues happened within 1/2 hour of playing.

WHAT is going on. I literally just installed it AND did a Scan and Repair. Never had this issue before. I don’t expect I’ll bother playing unless someone knows how to fix this.

Seems pretty rare. Only happened 2x in 1/2 an hour of me re-installing the game.

Yeah, the “fix” is “just restarting the game” lol. Thanks, I already found this “fix”, super helpful. Only existed for years btw. :slight_smile:

Yep - I’ve only had it a few times… 2 times, I think… the last time being a few years ago.

This topic should be moved to the Bug Report forum btw… lest the QA Team and the developers forget that this issue still exists.

Best of luck in your games !

Just had it happen again in Menus, couldn’t click any of the menu buttons, had to restart. Total play time so far 1 hour. (not sure if the GR menu not showing up and being unable to click any of the menu buttons is the same bug but they seem similar (UI issues) and my only “solution” is to restart, which is kind of the problem).

As I said, I never had this bug before re-installing the game just today. Playing on the exact same PC as I used to play on, played for years. Never happened.

Now? Suddenly 3 times in ~1 hour?

Not sure that qualifies as “helping” btw.

Pointing you to a stickied thread in the Bug Report forum which includes details of the exact bug you’re reporting, and a subsequent post explaining why it’s been an outstanding bug for so long, isn’t helping?

Okay, fair enough. I’ve removed the posts.