No D4 (or OW2) Release in 2021, Another Unidentified Remaster in the Works

Who the heck would have expected D4 by 2021. I’m guessing 2023 to 2024. We all know what Blizzard soon means and they haven’t even said it was coming soon!

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Oh! Yeah, they do. Not sure those are the best ones for battle though. The assortment is HUGE - there are over a 1000 pets right? Crazy how many there are to catch in the “wild”, earn from Achievements, get from mob drops, get from boss drops, make from Professions, etc.

Pets are also kind of a collector thing.

Yeah, it isnt so much that the store pets are better - pretty sure they aren’t. More like “got to complete my collection”. Didn’t want to imply it was pay to win.
And indeed way more than 1000 pets.

Not saying Blizzard would outright lie at an earning call or anything. But that is an area where it is easy to be vague. “Since we didn’t have an official timeline, we cant officially have been slowed down!”.
It looks like games throughout the industry is getting delayed due to Covid, despite everyone would love to release a game right now. It would be weird if D4 is not affected at all.

That would still bring it right into the Q4 22/Q1 23 many of us are saying.

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Well I won’t deny that I’m expecting a 2023 release for Diablo 4, however it’s not based on Diablo 3. I’m merely a pessimist by nature, also 2023 seems realistic considering everything that we’ve seen thus far and how their updates implies that they’re still scratching the surface a bit.

That and hyping the community up after a significant amount of time without a major update for the franchise, only to fall short of delivering any major content towards either pc or console (well excluding switch).

D:I will launch 3 years after the announcement, so maybe D4 can do the same (Q4 2022).


It’s possible. All in all, we’ll likely have a better idea for when the game’s release date might be after BlizzConline, as well as from any further quarterly updates that they may or mayn’t have planned for 2021.

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So Diablo 4 won’t release a week after Blizzconline? That’s some bad news for the hype train. Usually they supposed to release the game in a year regardless of advertisement costs, development schedule and potential exploits in a real money capable platform.
Because you know, they “release games fast now” and trust people to not sue them for their losses if they balance tweak things, be slow on schedule, fail to see raise in stock and enable exploits in a platform where real money involved. Coding a game is not magic, there are lots of legal liabilities involves in this regarding customer and most scaringly, investors.

Usually a sequel supposed to release in 3 years tops after reveal but thinking D3 released nearly 4 years after announce (aug’08-may’12) and they clearly said “Not even Blizzard soon™”, it can be speculated that we have to wait at least four to five years over. At most optimistic call, it will release at 2022-2023 but I still kinda doubt it.
Any specified date can be treated as media manipulation to force Blizzard’s hand to crunch time harder, or aiming to disappoint fans without quoting official word.

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It is understandable that D4 won’t be out in 2021, but why is Overwatch 2 taking so long to come out? From what I have seen from the OW2 trailer, it is pretty much an Overwatch 1 with single-player mode/story mode.

Is it just me or western gaming companies, in general, working very slow? Cyberpunk 2077 took like 8 years and unable to deliver. WC3R took like 2 years and it was unable to deliver. Immortal took like 2 years+ and still hasn’t come out while China and Japan gaming companies are pretty much pumping a new game every 2 years at least. If you guys know about Genshin Impact, it only took 2 years to make. Heck, I heard that PoE2 is coming out soon too.

Resident Evil 8 is going to be released this May after the trailer popped out and for the western gaming case, the trailer popped out means you have to wait at least 4 years for that game to get released.

I would have been completely shook if they announced D4 for this year. And would have lost all interest in the game, would have been a disaster 100% :slight_smile:

They have strong competition now on market, and PoE 2.0 will kick @ss like really hard, so they have to deliver the best from the start or lose maybe too much to recover.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 5 years from announcement.
Final Fantasy 15: 10 years from announcement
The last Guardian: 7 years from announcement

And so on.
Without even counting the years of development before announcement.


I think working remotely can have its benefits too though. Not having all your employees sitting through 2-4 hours of California traffic every day saves a lot of time and energy which can mean better productivity.

Not that I was ever expecting a release earlier than 2023 as the most realistic/optimistic, pandemic or not. Not gonna lie though, gaming has been kind of a drought for me lately because Blizzard games have almost always been timed just right as one game ages before a new one releases.

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Is there anyone surprised by this? Thought this was a well known fact…

In the call, Blizzard said they expects 2022 to be a huge year for them. 3 releases doesn’t seem out of possibility.


did anyone really think D4 would be coming out in 21? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

No, but it was always a slight hope, for holiday 2022. So what if it releases Feb 2023? It could have easily dropped in 2022.

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Wth is this? You use your pets to do the PvP?

Public test definitely happening this year.

Their forces are directed at pushing D4 ASAP since this means most money for them alongside the mobile boats.

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I don’t expect anything this year except alpha/beta for d4.

I have never played Pokémon so can’t say for sure, but it is basically Pokémon. With both over and pvp.

Afaik Overwatch sold much more than D3.

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Well, FF14 is extremely popular on console, and they have very similar gameplay systems, so I think it would be fairly successful

Both OW1 and OW2 will sell way less than D4.

I knew OW was a fail the moment I saw it. I never played it.