Nintendo Switch

Dear Blizzard, howcome is it that all other platforms then Switch starts at same time. You tell us it will but it is not true, every season with switch is hours latter…dont tell start time for all different consols is the same, if you dont can keep them…so my question is when will season 19 start for Nintendo Switch

According to the Season 19 article…

Q: When do Seasons go live for players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch?

A: Seasons go live for all console players globally Friday, November 22 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, regardless of which regional version of the game you may have. Please note that Seasonal Leaderboards for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch are still separate by hardware platform.


thx, sorry my bad then…that will be 02.00 midnight here in Denmark


MissCheetah is absolutely correct. Console release schedules are aligned with North America Pacific Standard Time for various reasons.

Should be coming up shortly, roughly 3 and a half hours from now!

Have fun.


I’m sorry to bother you here.But there are still somes bugs in the sets of Captain Crimson on switch in 2.6.7a.
1,Damage enhancement increases skill damage rather then independent damage.
2,Damage reduction effect is invalid for crusader’s laws (Unstoppabled Force).
Many people,including me,have posted in console bug report.Please help us as soon as possible.