"New users are limited to 3 replies per topic"

A lot. Let me explain. The users on this forum are consider bnet users. The system they have in place on this new forum is about clicks and time spent. They set it up like a game to keep people playing on the forums as long as possible. This way they can report to their shareholders a much higher active bnet user count, but the shareholders will think it’s people actually playing their games. This in return inspires shareholders to not sell their shares and invest in new projects… like D4.

I’m not even sure bnet or forum activity is something they report - because it has zilch to do with money - but even if you were right, you’ll notice that the guy I replied to was talking about this being BAD for a D4, so your scenario about it good because of investments is the opposite of his position.

It is very much so a foundation stone of the report, go look at the last report and see for yourself.

I couldn’t possibly care less about the report. Point is, you have the opposite interpretation of the guy I replied to initially. Argue with him.

More than likely, this was a limitation of your account while you were at “0” trust level. Now that you are level 1, the problem has solved itself.

Not sure why this is difficult to figure out to be honest.

While there are definitions and explanations about the trust levels, the obvious thing (to me) is that your starting level would not allow what you wanted. But now it doesn’t matter. Unless of course you get your forum privileges revoked for doing something silly like breaking serious forum rules repeatedly.

Game on.

Well, yeah, that’s obvious.
But if you read my OP carefully, I’m not even confused as to where it came from, but I ask for the reason behind this limit.

  1. Because it’s not documented and thus might be included unintentionally (we all know how incompetent Activision Blizzard is these days)
  2. Because it’s totally backwards and stifles discussions, forcing new users to post non-replies in various topics, just to increase their trust level so that they can continue posting the replies they really want to post. See this thread, created basically just because I needed some “activity” to be able to post in the one thread that interests me…

TL1 is fairly easy to get to. And from what I have heard, this is something more inherent to the board type itself, and a way to stop spamming/ad type posts. I apparently made TL1 on my first days on the forum just by being my usual self.

I am very sure that the information we have is wrong.

Just to give an example: i have lvl 1 and I can put links to “trusted websites” (Blizzard, YouTube and Twitch), something that only level 2 is supposed to do.


(Sorry, my english is not good)

Your examples are not embeded links.
The keyword is “embeded”.
Read the New Forum Guide for sample of embeded images and videos.

Not likely because:

Although it doesn’t specify “in one Topic”, 3 replies is certainly not “…more than 10 relies”.

And, at this point, this is all that is really relevant.

Keep in mind that only Trust Level 3 can degrade. Once you reach Trust Level 2, you’ll always be Trust Level 2. My guess is, the only exception might be if you got banned, temporarily or permanently.

But, it is documented. It’s just that you experienced what might be considered an “unusual” issue. Probably due to this being a newly implemented system for the D3 Forums. As you already stated, it’s working now.

I’m sure Blizzard still has some glitches to work out.

As @Maskraider pointed out, this is what Trust Level 2 can do:

This is what Trust Level 3 can do:

And everybody can do this:



Thus my comment:

Just because it isn’t documented, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Having a 3 post limit on one topic is VERY likely a trust 0 limitation, even if we don’t know about it.

And since its so EASY to get from 0 to 1, this is really a pointless worry anyway.

Which is exactly what I meant when I was talking about what you quoted from me. I was not referring to T3 degradation.

Game on.

If someone tells me, “At Trust Level 0 you cannot post more than 10 replies”, that instinctively tells me that I can post up to, but not more than 10 replies at Trust Level 0. That was my point.

On this, we agree.

And I was agreeing with you. (And adding that serious infractions may take away ALL your Trust Levels).

Keeps people from creating new accounts and continuing to spam in the same threads. I don’t see what the problem is.


Apparently they need to update their trust level 0 details to say instead:

“At Trust level 0 you cannot post more than 10 replies to the forum as a whole, and no more than 3 replies in a single thread.”

This would solve that issue and no one would be confused. Because that is what I see going on. But that’s me.

I’m still lvl 1

Can you specify more?

Diablol ep 1

Consider yourself lucky?

You are currently Trust Level 1. I would enjoy your benefits. :wink:

i know… that’s the point…

We don’t have the real information of what benefits (and limitation) we have.

I was trying to tell you not to worry about it. At the moment, it appears that Blizzard has “opened the door” to everybody. Enjoy your benefits.

These are the new D3 Forums. Blizzard is, more than likely, still sorting things out. It may be a temporary glitch that will be corrected shortly. Or, Blizzard may have decided to give everybody full access and only limit options if someone abuses them.

I really don’t know.

And I try to say that that is not what worries me :wink:

The forum is not the Diablo franchise, they should tell us the changes they make to the forum.

Maybe you do not know, but the current patch of the forums is 3.7.1 and the last time they gave us details was in 2.17.2, 2 years ago

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One nice thing about forums in general is you cannot bump your own threads unless someone posts under yours.