New Set Dungeons?

Honestly, I believe most of the community would prefer if the new sets didn’t get any set dungeons.

Also, I truly hope there some major tuning in plan for the new sets.


Thanks for the clarification!

Yeah, I’m aware that I’m in the minority here. That said, people who hate dungeons will not really start hating them more (or less) if a few more are added, and I expect that most people probably wouldn’t care that much.

But yes, I absolutely understand that this is nowhere near the top of devs’ priority list, especially given the community’s feelings about the dungeons that we already have.


I can’t believe out of all the good threads and discussions going on about the crew class sets, balance and such, that this is the thread that gets an official response… screw set dungeons, lol :wink:

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firstly we need total rework of new sets, and only after that devs can create SD for this sets i think

but if they don’t create new set dungeons I won’t be upset about it :slightly_smiling_face:

Based on the design of the sets, it’s safe to assume there won’t be set dungeons for a while.


I’d be happy if they were removed from the Journey period. They are an annoyance and ALL of them need adjusted. I’d say Dev’s time is better spent elsewhere.


I think for many of us, we would prefer development time for getting the number buffs right rather than coding new set dungeons. I think that most of us would appreciate that the top clears from the “worst” solo class to the “best” class be within 5 greater rifts.

I hope you do Add them . As much contreversy there is around Set Dungeons. I enjoy the novilty of them every now and then

Really gotta work on the existing ones before they considering adding more. The current ones are overall anti-fun and seem like they have weird broken mechanics and objectives… some of them at least.


What if you finsih a set dungeon and then get a Fortune Bag. With all 6p of the set + some mats or something else.

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Be nice to skip the set dungeons this season and replace it with something else. Be to hard with the season buff.

Stop with the hyperbole. Plenty of them are very easy to complete.


On the PTR, I did the Barb IK dungeon in just 1 minute 53 seconds.
There’s plenty of easy ones.

Just take set dungeons out of the season journey, problem solved.

I prefer the devs to spend time on items etc, then designing 6 set dungeons for each of the new sets.

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Yep each class has one that is relatively easy Vs the others. It still doesn’t change the fact they are annoying and out of step with how the sets are actually played.

Surely the devs can look at set dungeons for this patch and remove them from the season journey??? They are really the only roadblock for a lot of players in completing the season journey and are a pain to do if you haven’t singled out an easy one to do each and every season just to get past it (mines the Sader Thorns dungeon).

They should do the opposite
Starting to remove set dungeon one by one until we are free from that BS.


I agree with the anti-set dungeon sentiment. Adding content to the game that gets played through at a maximum of a few times is pretty folly at this point. I think we’d all rather see those efforts go towards end game activities or continued item reworks.

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IMHO there will be no Set Dungeons until all the Sets are fully tested and in its final iteration. There’s no point in making SD’s for Sets which are still subject to change.

BTW, I love them as an added challenge and to know more each set. But to each their own, I guess, and most people never touch them outside the Seasonal Journey.

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nev pls get us a update…we need maintenance on the diablo server before me an these 30+ people miss out on season 18 not just PTR HERE Start Game Greyed Out - Unable to join game, only available to party leader - #40 by SkaTurtle-1978