New Necro Set Bugs

Posting a few bugs I have noticed while playing the new necro set.

  1. The simulacrums in certain instances seem to take damage and can be killed. My simulacrum deaths came from elite abominable packs (3 times) and from rift guardians (Raiziel, Vesalius, Eskandiel).

  2. It feels like Scythe of the Cycle is not applying damage when using the new set. (comparing damage output and run times on rifts against Trang’ouls Corrupted Fang which is producing faster kills and times on same level GR runs.)

  3. Bone Armor timer not tracking properly when using the new set and Scythe of the Cycle. Bone Armor’s timer varied from not moving at all to ticking normally then suddenly being spent over the course of 3-8 seconds while using Scythe of the Cycle and the new set.

The last is the request to have Simulacrum’s pathing revamped like the Witch Doctor’s Big Bad VooDoo. During runs the damage output of my Simulacrums vs mine is huge (majority coming from Simulacrum’s) so it would be nice to have the Simulacrum’s be able to stay closer (more controlled) that way they are not throwing Bone Spears at pillars, trees, walls, and any other pieces of the environment they get stuck on while I’m trying to kill and elite back or rift guardian.

Hope these help with patch improvement.

I’ve not had my simulacrums die to anything. The only time I have to recall them is entering a GR, or if I get hit by an explosion (and that rarely happens tbh). I think i’ve only had to recall them twice in a high GR, never on a RG.

I just did a test, I have a 399% Scythe of the Cycle and a 194% Trag’Oul’s Corroded Fang.

With SotC my regular hits are are 119B without Bone Armor, and roughly 390B with Bone Armor up.
With my Trag Fang, my regular hits are about 52B or 150B when the enemy is cursed.

I’m not sure why my base damage is so different, but there could be a number of reasons for this. However, it looks pretty accurate to me.

The Bone Armor timer is reducing not just the ‘remaining’ time, but the ‘maximum’ time. As a result, rather than the timer reducing in a linear fashion (the same amount with each cast) the first few casts barely move the bar, and the last few casts can take it from 50% to 0%. This is definitely a bug in the visual representation of the skill, but functionally it is working just fine.

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