New 70 Seasonal-haven't played for ages

Hi. I haven’t played Diablo since the Real Money AH was a thing. I made a necro seasonal character. Corpse Explosion build. I can solo Torment one. My gear is terribad. Do I just farm rifts until I get better gear? I’m so lost. I saw that I need a specific necro set. Do these pieces drop randomly? Do I craft them? Farm certain bosses? I’m so lost :frowning: My end goal is to get as high on the ladder as I can and solo the highest Torment rifts I can. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Hit Shift+J to view the seasonal objectives.

Chapter 1 has no rewards, but completing chapters 2-4 will each give you 2 pieces on the Bones of Rathma set, so completing chapters 1-4 will give you a full 6-piece set.

This is the fastest way to get more damage so that you can farm higher torment levels.

As you increase the difficulty, the drop rate for legendaries increases significantly and you can then farm the gear you are looking for much quicker and easier.

Once you have your set, you will mostly want to run rifts and GRs for gear, since the drop rate is much higher there, than in the open world.

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Also, visit the Necro forum to check out build guides.