Nerf Thread on General


Looking at this graph, at the top end WD and DH performs similarly: similar GR being cleared with similar paragon and duration.

However, seems like DHs data in the 1st 1000 starts at 117 onwards while WDs 1st 1000 starts at 107.

Note that in my post here, I am not commenting on anything about WD and DH. My observations are as noted above. However, some ‘geniuses’ who like to average GR values as a gauge of balance like to twist observations by averaging data points across GRs. As I stated 10000000 times, this approach is wrong. As you can see in the table in my post (given at the end), I averaged GRs of all the clears and stated that this way of data evaluation is not right. I am mentioning that averaging many GRs across each other is wrong and it will give wrong observations (you can see this explanation below the table).

So Micro has been using that table to say that I said the WDs are 7 GR weaker. Lol. WD performance is similar to DH, however more players are preferring DH because it may be better for pushing overall. But I prefer not to comment on other classes. And see this happens, some people will bend over the data in any way to support their agenda.

As somebody who looked at these leaderboards and their meaning, there is no 1 fixed value of difference among classes. The difference varies sometimes slightly sometimes by a lot depending on the compared GR level. If one has to put a number to this difference, he has to consider the mean curve. It is the most logical approach and perfect balance will not be 100% possible ever. Some builds will simply perform better at higher GR while some will excel at lower GR.