Need help/advice

Okay I tried to level gems of my Firebird but I had hell of time to be efficient. I build a StarPact Firebird Wiz but gems are low tried group gr but very hard to stay alive so got kicked or just leaved because no fun. Very hard to find people playing like t5 or t6 at the moment. I think I got okay gear but not sure maybe just give a look to the character(Merlin)and just give me tips or a path of solution on what to improve.

Your first and biggest problem is trying to use Star Pact (especially the Firebird’s variant) in T5 or T6. Star Pact really doesn’t become an option below like GR120, and even then the Firebird’s version is not played at all anymore. Using Star Pact at this level is like using a nuke to kill a weed.

With that out of the way, my suggestion is to immediately swap to a faster, more fluid build to advance your character quickly. There are a few decent options for T16 speed builds, depending on what items you currently have. The top contender right now for speeds is Vyr’s Chantodo but honestly almost any build other than the one you are currently using will be faster and less painful for the content that you’re currently progressing through.

Ok I will use my Vyr instead. But for starpac is it only working at high paragon or high gems? Asking because I would keep the items if somehow I could play it one day. I also have a very basic DMO but this set was not optimal in gr I read. Maybe good for bounties or story mode?

Star Pact only really works at high paragon, high gems and in high GRs yeah. DMO is also not great for speeds/T16/bounties but it will be better than Firebird’s if that’s your only other option.

Hi sorry for delay, but I would like to ask what is high paragon for you, and as I understands I should forget Firebird, Star Pact, DMO. Your suggestion vyr-chantodo. But what about rasha? How rasha gameplay compares with Vyr Amazing arcana? Or which build would be great to progress and being easy in rotation. I have like 800+ para so not very low but still way less than 2000. But anyway gems upgrades are more the thing.