Necromancer voice not working on xbox one

When my girlfriend and I play our Necromancers on XBox1, their audio for voice is silent. Have to skip through conversation because we cannot hear anything from our characters at all.


You might try to go to the Sound menu and turn up the volume (there are several sliders).

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If you read the other posts about this, you’d see it’s a bug, and won’t be fixed most likely until the next patch.

They need to fix this sheet now. Not later

you must not understand how patches work on console. They have to come up with patch fixes for each console, then submit each one at the same time to each manufacturer. The manufacturers, then have to approve that the patches will not affect hardware or software on their systems.

If blizzard were a sub company of the manufacturer, the patches could be done quicker. Like Santa Monica is a sub division of Sony. So God of War patches were released like every few days

The necro voice bug on XboxOne happened when Season 17 started over 2 months ago. I realize consoles are on the bottom of the priority list but any idea on when they might even acknowledge they are going to fix it? Do you think when they are just waiting until Season 18 starts? Necro is my favorite character and I really miss the voice.

it will be fixed no doubt when season 18 starts for the next patch.

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I feel the pain here. Even went as far as uninstalling everything & re-installing it. No fix or work around for Necro voice. Checked for updates “even for the console” still no Necro voice. Then again ever since Blizzard got into bed with Act-up-vision things don’t get fixed like they use to. I am scared that even WoW Classic is gonna suffer because of this. /sigh

There are no updates available yet, cause S17 is still going on. They won’t update in the middle of a season. This will be fixed within a week or so. Season ends in 2 days. So when patch 2.6.6. hits, it should have a fix for the necro.

We had issues with party chat not working properly for S16. It wasn’t fixed until patch 2.6.5 S17.

Come on August 23rd! I want my necro voice back. Crossing my fingers that it’s fixed!

The latest patch fixed the necro voices, sweet!

I told yall. :stuck_out_tongue:

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