Necro Masquerade broken / Simulacrums dying / dmg received


for the past week or two, something happened and I started dying like a fly. No gear change.

I was doing GR 124 and attempting GR 125. Now I’m struggling to get through 105-110 and if I complete, I die at least 5 times.

I noticed that the SIMULACRUMS ARE DYING despite the Masquerade set bonus where they shouldn’t die and GR 105 mobs are one-shotting me.

All set bonuses are displayed (6 piece) but I don’t believe for a second that the bonuses are active - especially because of the dmg I’m getting and simulacrums dying.

Can you please look into this?

Thank you very much,


If the simulacrums are dying, it means you are taking fatal damage. The Masquerade set gives all runes to Simulacrum skill and one of those runes makes the simulacrums die instead of you when taking fatal damage.

Working as intended.


Haunt Of Vaxo simulacrums stopped appearing, about a week ago…

Haunt of Vaxo does not create “Simulacrums”.

Also, it only spawns “Clones” when you stun enemies. If you are not stunning enemies, then it will not proc.