My thoughts about personal vs shared loot

Being a scavenger is an entire playstyle.
They even devote entire games to it.

A playstyle that exists due to FFA. In personal loot, you need to be in the action. Do we want players playing the game where you kill monsters or just scavenging scraps from those that actually kill the monsters?

Personally, I want both options. If you want to play FFA and scavenge so be it. It does not hurt my game experience in a personal loot game. My experience in a personal loot game does not impact your experience in an FFA game.

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That’s what you usually do in zombie survival games.

Hell, that’s basically what walking dead was about.

That is fine. I am not arguing to remove FFA and its associated playstyles. I am arguing for a second option of personal loot.

I’m fine with that on a different community.

  1. Separate Ladder and Normal modes.
  2. Separate Hardcore and Softcore modes.
  3. Separate FFA and Ploot modes.

I am fine with those choices as well. Even though I feel there is little need to make the third selection at character creation. I think that it would also be ok if it was at the level of game creation.

Realm vs Game Loot Options - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

That’s like putting soccer and basketball players together and who ever has the highest score wins. They may be games where people both play with balls, but you can’t compare the effort they put into the game, especially when you have a Ladder and people want themselves immortalized.

No. It really isn’t. It is the same game just with a different way to allocate the same total loot. If players were average in their clicking/ping/proximity to loot drops, FFA and personal loot would both result in a similar RNG-based loot distribution.

How do you compare people’s effort currently? Some mainly solo, some get carried in groups, some cheat (botting/pickit), some trade, some RMT.

As illustrated by the FFA scavenging example, can you claim that FFA is always harder? Since each player only sees 1/8 of the drops in a personal loot game isn’t that harder? It will be harder to gear up in personal loot multiplayer games.

What modes they get to play on.

  1. Hardcore vs Softcore
  2. Ladder vs Normal

Within those modes, there is a ton of variability with respect to individual player’s effort.

I know passionate players who sink thousands of hours into min-maxing their builds in softcore. I know some hardcore players who spend less time and intentionally play on a low difficulty setting where it would be nearly impossible to die.

I do not make any judgment decision on what a player’s effort might be based on those modes.

The variability comes from actual gameplay.

But not any of these things.

  1. How high you have your volume.
  2. Your current screen resolution.
  3. The screen gamma contrast.
  4. The blended shadows.

I edited my post for clarity.

Hope that clarifies.

Effort =/= Toggle Option
Effort =/= Press B to win

Effort = Struggle
Effort = Pain
Effort = Suffering
Effort = Work
Effort = Time
Effort = Competition
Effort = Brainstorming

In personal loot there is the struggle of only seeing 1/8 of total drops and not being able to scavenge. Each player in an 8 player FFA game sees 8X the drops in comparison to each player in a personal loot game.

Yes, but they will obviously be picking up only trash left out items :slight_smile:

As I said before, I seriously doubt they will be doing any kind of change about personal loot as it requires changes in core mechanics of games, changes of hardcoded stuff.

Ploot gives you 7/8 chances to miss what you could have gotten. It takes away the struggle of competition for those chances to get the items. It also takes away the atmospheric effect that comes intrinsic with that game mechanic. It also changes an entire mindset on how you will achieve loot.

Why do you think it would be problematic in contrast to what Blizzard thinks? Blizzard clearly asked if players were interested in personal loot instead of FFA at D2R launch? If I were Blizzard, I would not ask that question in their survey unless I already had the code in place or knew I could get it done in that timeframe.

I know. That fact makes personal loot games harder.

Except it makes the game harder by taking away 7/8 of the items as you already said.

That is what people want. That mindset leads to alot of horse hockey. If you provide both options, players can choose for themselves what mindset to have.

You want the opposite of what I want.

You want both your Ploot and to be kept on the same community. I don’t want to be in a community with people who toggled on some safety option. I don’t want to be in games with other people, who didn’t have the same caveats to get their equipment.

I’m fine with Ploot existing. Just not in the same community.

Let’s not quote me without the following sentences. The key sentence reads “If you provide both options, players can choose for themselves what mindset to have.” My point was not my way or the highway or an assumption that all people want the same thing.

Loot is not really a “core mechanic” of the game, and even if we count it as one, the Shared part of it is def not core.

The game would not be different for you if they gave an OPTION when creating a game if you want personal or shared loot.

people who chose personal loot would only get 1/8 of the drops if there is 8 players in the game. You could be better off by playing with shared and try to snatch it all.

you would not really change the drop rates, same amount of loot would be dropped and there would be no difference from personal loot items in the market because you would have no advantage of playing strictly on personal loot settings.

you dont even have to split the players, it would be a day to day decision on what you wanna play right now, without affecting you or the market in a bad way.