My Monk can't kill GR 105

Hey. So I don’t know why this is happening but my Monk can’t even kill anything anymore on GR 105. That’s the maximum that I was able to do so far and I’ve managed to beat it in under 10 minutes two days ago. Wondering why since my gear has not changed. Maybe it’s just me but I tried 5 fives and I did instantly.

Not sure if your profile here is up to date, but if it is, you might want to try equipping a Ring of Royal Grandeur if you intend to get the full benefit of the two sets you’re wearing, and dropping the useless Legacy of Nightmares ring :blush:

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Thanks! I’m able to beat the level now. Not what was happening before but whatever. And to confirm, I do have ring of royal grandeur but for some reason it doesn’t show up in my profile. And I switched my LON ring for the Obsidian one. Seems that’s a better fit and managed to beat 106! Yah for me :slight_smile:


I’m glad you were able to get it working, congratulations on your 106 :tada:


Hhhhhhhhhhhhl I cannot login

How the heck are you not on the leaderboard? Your gear is basically top tier, minus some choices in rolls. Just had to ask.

try this build Diablo 3 Monk 128 PoJ+shenlongs season 20 rank 4 - YouTube