Morticks buff idea

After some testing i think if they added a simple add on to the effect it could be an item used and affecting every build.
Along with the gaining of every skill while equipped wrath of the berzerker last forever,just like the 2 piece ancients bonus on IK for instance.
So now basically every barb build could use it and it has side affects.
WW wouldnt need as much cooldown and you could replace skill that lowers cooldown by 30 seconds with another damage dealing skill.
IK HOTA,RAEKOR HOTA,LEAPQUAKE,SLAM,LON, all builds would be affected and cooldown adjusted accordingly.
Maybe the downside is that barb bracers are pidgeonholed into using this 1 certain bracer except maybe nemesis bracers.
This wouldnt be a large buff,but could probably add a GR level or 2 for all barb builds.
Now i bet FREE is gonna say this is a worthless idea and not something that will matter as i am seeing him over and over saying morticks is worthless, but i dont care.
i respect him and rage for all the work they did on the barb presentatio , but i am a little tired of the bashing and whining because nothing was done that was suggested.
i am no numbers cruncher and maybe this wouldnt be a prudent add on to the bracers, but im just trying to think outside the box.