Mortick's Bracers (notes from 2.6.6 PTR)

Class communities can advocate a position but they can not solve a problem. That ability is left strictly to the developers. The problem that I have with your argument is that it seems incredibly focused on barbs and ignores game balance/play more broadly. All 4 man meta exclude 3 classes. You have clearly stated that you would be okay with losing a position in the four man meta as long as it is replaced by another role for barb in the meta. That opinion appears class-centric and I do not like it personally.


Of course it’s focused on Barbs. That’s where my expertise lies. It’s also the weakest class, period, a fact often masked by gimmicky, broken mechanics.

Our proposed buffs would only make DPS Barbs possible in off-meta groups, but “possible” does not mean “optimal.” Most Barbs would be quite happy in informal groups, even if they’re less efficient than other speed comps, if they could DPS. For example, if we could DPS in 120-125 speeds, that would be a welcome addition to the game for a great number of players, and it would be very easy to implement (see our proposal for more info).

Optimal comps do. Informal, non-optimal comps will still exclude folk, but if efficiency is there and the gap isn’t so enormous between the two, more players will have more choices.

I could give a whoop.

You do realize no one is advocating for nerfs, right?

I’m advocating for Barbs because of all the classes we have the most problems, only a fraction of which are offset by inclusion in the 4-player meta. If you want to fix problems for other classes, and you love those classes, go do it.

I’m not an expert on other classes and I have no place meddling in their affairs.

We simply disagree.

Solo Rankings (with 1 being highest clear)
Wizard 1
Witch Doctor 2
Necromancer 3
Demon Hunter 4
Crusader 5
Monk 6
Barbarian 7

:yin_yang: The two worst classes for the highest solo clear are the also the two classes that are ALWAYS included in the 4 man push meta from season 4-17. It is Yin and the Yang. :yin_yang:

:grinning: It is currently good to be necromancers and wizards relative to solo and 4 man push groups. :grinning:

:disappointed_relieved: Crusaders are below average in solo and are excluded from the 4 man meta since season 4. :disappointed_relieved:

:disappointed_relieved: Demon Hunters are average solo and excluded from the meta since season 3. :disappointed_relieved:



  1. yes
  2. no (while it will mkae it easier because aq needs 90%+ )
  3. no you don’t use blood thirst (and barb has poor passives to beginn with)
  4. by like 0,2 % max if you have a good one…
  5. by a little and it is already really easy
  6. so small that it doesn’t matter for pushing and even farming

even for ik builds morticks won’t make you stronger only easier to put something together
edit: you either have another variation of the build that does more dmg (like magefist than morticks or tankier (adp’s) and it certainly is not the thing barbs need right now

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I think there is a miss identification on what is beneficial and to whom.

There is a select minority of players with 6k or higher paragon where it will not be beneficial because there is no need for defense do to their paragon. (6k is an estimate, I don’t know where that number actually is but it is significantly higher than my 2.2k). So yes, Free’s assessment if is only referring to these people is correct they will see no benefit.

For those sub 6k paragon players that come to the forum to find out what they could be doing to achieve a higher clear, I would strongly recommend Morticks for IK HotA. As it is beneficial for the reason I pointed out.

No, there isn’t. The item provides, at best, a slightly better defensive option for an IK HOTA build. The DR is the same as Aquila’s, if less prone to fluctuation, and the extra healing does make one better able to withstand punishment. For casual players or those just testing the waters with the build, Mortick’s provides a nice safety net. This isn’t, of course, what we needed, and there are many, many more important things on the Barb to-do list.

Not sure the last time you played the build Free, but when I cleared 114, I had many problems with defense. I ended up going with Animosity as a passive just to keep my fury up so I didn’t loose the defense of Aquilas. I also had to run with bloodthirst. That is 2 passive I could drop, for offensive passive and still end up with more defense.

You argument is like comparing Unity to BOM sure both provide defense but one is significantly better.

I realize you like to look at the top clears only and that is fine for you to do, but there are a lot of us that would like to achieve a new personal best in clears with less fishing and Mortick will help people do that.


I wish there was an off topic flag you could put on posts. Why people keep coming into these threads to talk about their class instead of trying to figure out how to fix their class themselves and posting about that I don’t understand. And i get the irony that this post would be flagged as off topic too.

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Agreed 100% Felix. What you said is my exact experience with Mortiks as it gave me +1 GRift due to my passive change (from bloodthirst to Brawler) and my skill change (War Cry to Demoralize Fraility). I’m a low paragon player though. Again, +1 GRift is not enough for Barbs at all so I agree with Free there.

Do you guys not have phones?? (c)

µRNA, U understand nothing of what Free was trying to say: we just want the barbs could DPS once again (an annoying bug fixed 1st with RoS by Wyatt Cheng), as official website says: “thanks to their size and strength, barbarians can dominate” - that’s why I bought both D3 & RoS (and that I would never do if I knew that I had to play sup)
Just an α-male story…
(I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not (c))

I think that its crazy that crusader/dh/wd have been excluded for so long, but whats even more crazy is the whole concept of zdps. For me, I hate zdps, I hate the concept of it, I hate running it…it just plain sucks.

I’d love it if all classes got dps buffs to bring them in line (say within 3-4 GR max of each other) and all zdps builds were nerfed into oblivion. Make IP only work for barbs. Make inner sanctuary only buff the monk. Make toxin or threatening shout only buff the character using/casting that skill. etc etc etc.

Now, let’s be real though, this seems like an unlikely scenario. This game has had very little support for the past 4 years, it’s being run by a skeleton crew and it shows. It brings in very little revenue now obviously, and Activision is chiefly concerned with new revenue streams.

In light of that, I’ll accept the current zdps meta, and hope for buffs to barb that don’t break the game but do at least make us more competitive. And I’d be pleased as punch for other classes to get legitimate zdps options too, the more the merrier in my mind. But remember that we’ve been clamoring for significant buffs for FOUR YEARS+. If the devs wanted to give us dps remotely close to other classes then they’d have already done it.

I must admit that it’s weird playing games like POE or Grim Dawn where Chris Wilson or Art Bruno actually post in the forums, and the stuff they say makes sense. I swear playing d3 is like being in prison some times, you don’t know how good it is on the outside until you’re set free.

Fluffy, Pchild and SVR cover Mortick’s starting at around 48:30 in. All three agree its too little too late and agree that it doesn’t really do much for Barbs as a whole and that WE NEED MORE DAMAGE!

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I wish they change 1 useless rune of WotB for : now you generate “X” Fury per second.