More Toughness For Witch Doctor Please


I really think witch doctors could use a slight toughness boost, as right now I think we’re lacking, especially since Spite has become mandatory for gargantuan builds, the loss of Uhkapian Serpent // Henri’s Perquisition has hit quite hard in the toughness department.

I just feel compared to most of the other classes, that right now, WD is lacking in the toughness department.

Quickest and easiest option I see would be to increase Lakumbra’s Ornament to 8% per stack.

Or possibly looking into the soul harvest languish rune and increasing it to 15-20% per stack?

Would be interested in hearing others ideas

They could make soul harvest baseline with a passive.

There’s my idea:

Maybe this is good to place in a mojo slot.

Yeah, this season is my first time playing WD and I was kind of astonished by how squishy the class is.

Being one-shot by a goat at GR90 is something I haven’t seen with any other class before…