Monk Tempest Rush , how to make build better?

how can i improve this build ? link in my profile

I suggest, you log in to the game… then press SHIFT + L… look at the number 1, then view details.
that’s the best way to make a build better.


I often look at the bottom of the leader boards also, mainly because that’s what I can (sometime) accomplish :slight_smile:

Are you on console? I can’t see you profile.

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Ctrl + Shift + C
then type ROSEBUD

Your profile is unavailable on all 4 servers.

weird. im on pc , the link to my profile should work.

Nope, it doesn’t. Just put your build into D3planner so we can have a look.

the vengeful wind use would be nice if they fix the bug that pops your stacks before you want to.

Did you change your Battlenet ID recently maybe? There can be a delay between your forum name changing and it linking to your underlying armoury profile.

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thats probably what it is ! thanks lol

Okay, so, can you provide us with a link to your Monk’s profile then?
You should be able to find it on the armoury with your old Battlenet ID.

i dont know the numbers that came after my old ID , i think ill have to wait until it syncs with my new ID and re post.

As I said above, you can use d3 planner and give us a link to that…

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alright i got my build in D3 Planner here , just wondering what it is i can improve on , whats the next item i should replace , augment , any passives i should change , etc… says i cant put links in my post so you might have to do it yourself here .
:smiley: d3planner com/311199336

Its no matter since you seem to have no plan. Only people that are used to thinking can be helped out. I mean, there are so many posts with what to have on gear, its just boring to tell the same thing again and again.

Nope, you can do it…

  1. Copy the URL to the clipboard
  2. Paste the URL into your forum post
  3. Highlight the URL in your post
  4. Click the </> button in the editor
  5. This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
  6. Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this…
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when i look into the leader boards , i wish i could see their details instead of just their gear. id like the know if they got the same cooldown and area dmg as me.

Go to the Diablo III homepage and click on Rankings

Then choose Seasonal > Monk > Greater Rift > Season 21…

Find the Monk whose gear you’re interested in looking at, click on them in the listing, that’ll take you to their Armoury page, which will show you their Battlenet ID. Then, head on over to and use the import option, using their Battlenet ID and region, and look at their Monk’s gear / stats to your heart’s content.

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