Monk support for 2-man with Vyr Chantodo dps

Hi all. Since the vast majority of zmonk builds concerns 4-man meta and the 2-man leaderboards mainly consist of bazooka dps, could you please give me some insights on monk support for a Vyr wizard (I play the latter).

For example, cc immunity doesn’t seem obligatory due to archon, shields are nice to have because of squirt on the wizard etc. Any help is appreciated. Cheers!

Wiz does not need monk shields. You are adding few hundred K shields on vyrs. Wiz him self can peak 20 million shields in pushing.

Monk is not the best fit for vyrs. Vyrs is a archon build, therefore needs stacks to snowball. Barb is best at providing that. Go barb if you can.

If you are a vyr wiz, theres no reason to settle for zmk as supports. Barb, necro , even zDH is better than zmk.

Thanks for the reply, it certainly makes sense. I want though to have fun with my friend who mains monk, even if that means that I’ll clear slightly lower content, that’s why I asked specifically for that scenario

Of course. Swap out flying dragin for executioner and uses any skills. Cyclone needed. Ideally still use dual gen. Deadly reach on rg proc sa helps. Any skills combo works fine. If his ephiphany tele not uo to scratch can use dash too.

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