Monk Buff Proposal

Its ok for me, but then you even need to buff the other sets more (or the leg powers of items). Monks offensive power is very linear (except gen - a reason why gen is more effective the more you push). Bringing a WoL one level higher is a pretty hard thing. I play that build oh so long (I even did not switch when gen first came up and was clearly better) so I have massive experience there. There was a simple reason for that: gen is unplayable squishy.

I think your point is right, dont ask for too much, but even then: buff desert to 80% reduction would help all builds except uliana and generator. For gen it only can help if you have an item that gives you 100% uptime of epi since you have no cdr - and that would also make gen more mobile + no cc effect can affect him, and thats a key. We can ask for that and more buff all sets but then again LoN would fall behind, that maybe can get better if you introduce new pants for monk: as long as your epi runs your dmg is increased by xxx%. Pants is something you can not change if you play a set based build (or you lose some other key item) but helps on LoN. It needs to overcome the 20% elemental dmg + give an extra boost, so maybe 100-200% could be right.

I’d play a combo style monk - just like d2 had it with the assassin. Yeah, yeah we got mythic rythm but in the reality you pick either wol or ltk and spam the living … of it.

Yes, but also isnt the 2-piece applied ep not triggering area damage, meaning you miss out on a lot of extra damage.

Forgive me if i’m wrong, but i remember reading something about it when learning about how you play ulianna.

I’m pretty sure that they fixed the EP from Uliana 2 piece to proc area damage a few patches ago, I’d have to scour Davlok’s testing thread in the old forums to be sure. I know for sure that the EP’s from 2 piece do not get the Mythic Rhythm buff, hence the snapshotting necessary for high GR pushing. If they changed MR to a dynamic buff like I suggested, then there’d be no need to snapshot. You’d use your generator a few times to apply EP to pack and then SSS. Mythic Rhythm would be active for a couple seconds, affecting your SSS and the ensuing EP explosions.

Thats a crucial detail: If you have a buff for 2 secs, maybe it will be gone afterwards and so the palms that get distributed, are maybe without buff. I cannot tell until it would be implemented but removing the palms of 2p bonus of uli would make it easy to apply MR.

Since the SSS animation with Lion’s Claw is under 2 seconds (I seem to recall it is about about 100 frames with the 14 hits) then 2 seconds should be enough for MR to affect the SSS and the detonations. The final number can be tweaked and optimized.

But I would like this ring to give us damage reduction and damage increase while epiphany achieves cooldown reduction. Okay, it may be overkill for a simple ring, but with that we would need to change almost nothing and keep all builds exactly as they are now (balance between same class builds)

Sorry about the sincerity, but your friend may not know how to play uliana. Lemma (Asia Server) completed GR128 with 13:42, 5k paragon + 110 augments, imperfect items. With 6-7k paragon and perfect items, could make 131+.

Schm0n (Europe) completed 130 with 6k paragon (LoN WoL).
Jebaited (Europe) abandoned D3, but he made 131 with 7k paragon NO CONDUIT and 132 with non-optimized gear (LoN WoL). He is not in Leaderboad because another player made another build with his account, and changed his name.

Also, with LoD, WoL lost 1 gem, but gained CoE and Flavor of Time which is a giant buff … Imagine 1 minute of power in a Fastering Woods with several elites together, then you can have 1 min of conduit. …this is insane…

If before there was any difference between Wol and Gen, that difference no longer exists.

Asking for a rework for items and sets is a bit dangerous, today we have a certain balance between our class, Blizz could definitely break easily as they always have.

Hehe, I suggested to get def and off by unlocking all runes and redesign it (think of it, making desert to 80 is more than another 50 during 50 is active, that would be 75) and if its running all day long no cdr is needed. But yeah, it can also be that way :slight_smile: Maybe a bit OP for one single item, that wont come.

Ok. seem that there is more possible with uliana. I know that other guy not playin that much, no fishing etc. And he was a barb player and plays dh right now, so no “monk” in the sense of being its fav class.

Hm, what I do not like about LoD (which is cool) is that again we use unity, which means the build is not playable in groups. And my LoN WoL is kind of behind my Innas. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong (or maybe I’m doin Innas right) but Innas does not get any boost. I’ll test LoD after patch, but also then there is some problem with life regeneration and still its too squishy and has no dmg (compared to sorc)

Okay, as I said, I remembered something from the past. That said MR is still a big culprit to this.

But, changing it to two seconds doesn’t actually help either, but that’s purely because the auto eps aren’t counted as spirit spenders.

If mystic rhythm is changed to only apply to techniques (the tab where both DS and EP is) then it might matter.

They could code MR to apply to all non generator attacks for 2 seconds after your 3rd generator attack, that would get around any problem with the origin of the damage source. As long as it’s not a generator, MR buffs it for a brief time. How many MR bells can a WoL monk drop after 3 generator hits while the buff is active? The main idea is to eliminate keeping track of which EP’s are manually cast and gaining the benefit of area damage (pretty sure U2 EP’s proc it) and MR and just letting you punch things and reap the rewards for a brief time before repeating the cycle.

Maybe it does not matter what we are writing, as seen for the barbs, if thats all what they get (what is done so far for 2.6.6) they and we will still be nothing. Hate it so much to only have unity as def ring. And many many people are complaining about WoL only (I personally like that build but would be awesome to have the choice).

I think your idea regarding mr is good, but only if the palm coming from the explosion of the original one also has the mr buff. You wont be able to spread more that 2 wol after 1 triple hit of gen so mr is no choice than for wol builds.

Lets just hope the new Monk set will be awesome. Right now I would not know what to skill it should have. I would prefer they move away from the skill and do a more general buff.

I am not optimistic. It might be a strong set, but if it means killing the other buildings, I don’t agree.

The general buff set is innas. All dmg skills have their set (sss/ep, gen, ltk/tr/wol) only skill that does not have a set is cs which would be kind of nonsense. Epi would be an option but I hope it will be viable for all sets. So a new set right now does not make any sense - but they do not play monk :imp:

Could you provide a more in-depth explanation on why things should be buffed.
An explanation of what the actual problems are (be specific)
and solutions

Why do you care? You do not have any monks whatsoever in your EU profile. It seems like the OP was pretty specific.

Hey, y’all.

Just stopping by to say I love the discussion that is going on here. I can’t really contribute to the discussion about Monks, but I can offer some advice about how to shape the discussion into a full-on proposal. If this is helpful, cool. If not, ignore it and carry on.

I strongly suggest you start by copying the format of our Barb Buff proposal. Identify the core problems with your class–and from the looks of it, it sounds like those boil down to A) not enough DR options, B) not enough damage, and C) restricted to support roles in group play.

Consider whether or not those are the problems or merely symptoms. For Barbs, they’re symptomatic of the larger problem: outdated supporting legendaries and broken set mechanics.

When you know the real problem, address it via two lists.

In List 1, restrict buffs to simple numeric changes. In List 2, you’re free to create new affixes and adjust the mechanics of old ones. Make sure you provide a Detailed Explanations section where you show, step by step, the math and rationale behind each and every List 2 change.

A few more pointers:

  • Get input from top-ranked Monks who push the top of the leaderboard. Their insight is invaluable to crafting a well-rounded proposal.
  • Since Monks already occupy support roles in group play, advocate for off-meta DPS roles.
  • Be thorough in your math and show your work. Again, take a look at our Detailed Explanations section.
  • Base your projected goals on actual leaderboard data and prioritize non-Season over Season (due to changing Season bonuses).
  • Be direct. Get right to the point.
  • Work on List 1 first, then expand your ideas for List 2.

Finally, here are some things I would avoid:

  • Don’t suggest overhauls to class sets. Not likely to happen.
  • Don’t suggest overhauls to active skills. Not likely to happen.
  • Don’t create affixes that have no precedent currently in the game as that’s not likely to happen. If you create a new affix, base it on an existing one and modify from there.

Again, this is just advice, so if it doesn’t work for you, disregard it.

Good luck and know you have the support of the Barb community.


Hey Free, its kind of hard for me - maybe I should take the time for that but time is whats missing right now (and got another hardhitter today) and of course that I’m not a native speaker. But thank you for your hints, maybe I could point it out a litte more in future.

As stated above its kind of hard right now but I try to go the short way:

Dmg wise Monk is so much behind other classes (except barb maybe), this is posted on many other threads. I personally can only compare it to a vyr chant build since this is the only non monk build I played lately. I also can compare the performance of me as inna wol monk in a group vs other classes I played with (this are thrones crusader and impale dh) and of course vyr chant (and I got carried with 2-3 runs with a firebird sp wiz before the patch.

In groups, dmg is pretty okish compared to only bk chars (dh, cru) since I can choose gogok (more defense and cdr) and most of the time I play kind of spotter, collector and tk together. During me killing a big group of trash, there are 2-3 elite packs within and the bk typ of players just kill him. Defense wise dh and cru are simply stronger and I have to watch out all time long whereas they are more or less without any problem. We did some grift 120 kills together and had lots of fun. The non fun part is that if you change my pretty well played wol monk against me playin vyr chant (and I’m even not very good in playin that style + my gear is bad) we can simply go 3-5 levels higher. Those buff numbers are oriented on solo play and compared to sorcs. If you buff monk the way it is explained, other classes obviously also need a buff. But these are only numbers to change.

But there is another just very bad thing: Monks got so many defense spells - but on a solo play there is absolutely no room for those skills. All builds are pretty non changable in terms of selected skills, maybe you can switch a bit but if you take any offense skill off you do not do any dmg at all. When cru was top of all lists (I have no idea about the build but it was not thrones), they could easily equip eso gem. I could not since my dmg would be gone then. But those developers think you can use it for defensive options which is simply non accurate. Monks are maybe the squishiest classes of all. We have no defensive ring (use unity if needed but then you can not take part in group play), only swk set has a defensive buff, uliana gets it by using 3 items (belt, shells and unity or leve shoulders) to get defense up. All other styles simply have no defense. This yields almost all players to a wol build since you then play non melee style, even if theoretically ltk is almost even dmg wise and gen is superior. Gen monks also have another issue: 3 passiva have to be there (sti, soul and the ias on generators whose name I forgot). Then you can take only one defensive passive and thats it. And another problem: Since its a 0 cdr build you can not choose any defensive typ of omg button (since its always under cd). The gen build needs a perma cc immunity, all monk builds need that - maybe uliana can go without. WoL and LtK builds get this immunity by the orotz ring which then is mandatory. So gear is almost set then: You almost always need orotz and rorg, choose between coe, unity or ew set? hm, not that difficult since ew set gets you highest boost.

Then there are some things missing: On Kyo blade, scarbringer, cesars bracers, flying dragon (and maybe something I forgot right now) there are some limitations which are simply outdated. Swk set is so bad to play (have you ever tried? there is coe and unity, so no perma epi or f&r set, so no immunity). It needs a change and wol and tr are builds that are originally 2h builds. So why not a 2 hand set for monks with a daibo? Then you need to get over the only 12 caldesan, only 1 weapon with stats thing but hell why not give a hughe 2 h buff for that set. That would be a game changing element. As I said, almost all builds are kind of fun (except gen monk since you always die and you can leave at first enemy with knockback - but if you get over this restriction it can be a fun build), but all builds are squishy. Many people do not beleave since they see healers in a 4 man matchup - but as described above: healers are not monks and vice versa. healers have all defensive skills equipped with lots of loh, lots of hp and so on. A gen monk or an ltk player needs perfect gear and many paragon and many loh on gear to have a chance of not dieing immediately. Uliana is a very fun build, but if you need the mr passive to buff it on an okish lvl dmg wise (solo its just bad compared to wol, in a group its nice but not that much stronger) then there needs to be a possibility to get the buff on your palms AND on all those palms that get distributed by gungdo gear. That point is part of the massage of khord and he is right.

Thats kind of hard to acieve, there is that celtic guy who also has done some deep analysing of builds but no other real high monk player ever seen here. I wouldn’t call me a top monk but I’m on rank 80ish non season eu lb which would be a rank 33 on us lb and I did it with just para 2.6k. I’m also playing with players at around 2-3k para so our analysis is depending on some thoughts, but we can not tell absolutely sure - I can only think of gen monk being playable @6k para because then you can put 3k in vita and use that gen gem (with the heal ability). That sounds kind of crap compared to other classes that just are strong or have the defensive items. I see a 80% reduction ring for sorc or dh, that is stronger than a unity and my desert shroud rune together (which is 75% reduction) in one single item. And I even see non picking players since defense is simply enough. Monks also have e.g. ds with defense rune (but it does no flat reduction) and if you take crystal fist you lose half of your dmg delt (dropping rs on wol or ltk - or even more with other builds as uli, gen or swk wol/ltk and even lon wol/ltk would lose more).

To put it simple: Monks defense is just bad (since there are so many def skills but no way to use them since you can not without dropping lots of dmg).
Solo dmg is bad compared to other classes (except barb maybe)
Some stupid restrictions on gear (kyo, scar, cesar, fd,…)
Little game changing things (2h buff on swk or mr for uliana)
In groups we are put into supp role (I’d take even away defensive skills such that we can not do that job again) since sorc is just better even with bad gear as tk and as a bk (which could be gen or ltk) we do not have enough defense and no possible groupbuffs.

Just if you are interested: I did some vids for our comm to see the difference of playing grift 110 vs 114 vs 118 with an inna WoL monk. As you can see: you should never kill elite packs on higher lvls since you can not kill them. That for example is a stupid limitation - but you chose a tk build. The text is German of course but most of the time I explain what I saw on the hp bar and if I can kill an elite or not. And: 10 Bio in EU are 10 Trio (since we count mio mrd (non existing in us calculus) and then bio. Just if you are uncertain what you see. And sorry but quality is kind of bad but otherwise those vids were 10 gig or so.

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just a print of the first 150 Ranks from the EU-NonSeason LB (19.08.)
Monk , Barb and Soso (Wiz)

There is no difference between Barbs and Monks. The Gap to the Wiz is in Terms of Multiplier is Round about:

x3,5 for Rank <20
increasing to:
x9 for Rank >40

a Buff by at least x3 should be save for every possible monk and Barb build

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thanks for providing that, somewhere around the 80s rank is me :slight_smile: but easy to see that a buff is needed.

Edit: Wow, all we got is an absolute useless set and no buffs to any other skills than wind. No tr buff, no uli buff, no ltk buff, those were really requested.

Ok, did a little feedback in ptr subforum, maybe a little more readable but things are still the same:

Maybe there are people to iron it out more precisely. When starts free playing monk and being advocate for us?