Moat trick Mephi

Hi all,
want to open a quick discussion:

Everybody knows how easy it is to farm Mephisto in hell because his AI lacks a bit if you teleport over the beautiful river of Blood.
But why don’t get rid of that trick now and bring back some difficulty? Don’t let us make it so easy to kill the 1st brother!
Give Mephisto some more brain and let him teleport right after you or let him hover next to you :slight_smile:

I know this breaks most people’s early stage farm guides and is a massive change to start farming on new ladders but…
Do you ever thought the devs wanted the brother of hate to be killed by naked caster?!

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If you remove that moat trick, people will just spam Andariel. She’s just as easy as you can drag her near the barrels on the bottom right and run around in circles while you kite her with Blizzard or something. Her treasure class is not that much lower than Mephisto’s. Which is 72 as apposed to Meph’s 78, meaning you won’t get that much better loot. Andariel already drops high value PvM items to get you started such as Arachnid/Shako/Vmagi/long list of others, drops up to Lo rune, and also she can be bugged to always ensure you get quest drops.

Mephisto/Andariel become complete noob traps and a waste of time after you’ve acquired decent gear, and anyone that thinks farming them hundreds of times a day is the best way to get loot; lack knowledge of how drops work.

Andy can’t drop Arach’s…other than this, yes you’re correct.

Andy can drop Arach’s. NM Baal can drop Arachs. lol

Are we both talking about Arachnid mesh?

Andy cannot drop it, and NM Baal Definitely can’t drop it, it’s lvl 75 but cant be dropped because of TC

Ah yes, you are correct. I always keep thinking they could because Spiderweb Sashes are special in the case that they have low TC requirement (63), however the unique version Arachnid drops from higher levels.

Yeah…I definitely know after thousands of mf runs on painstaking self found chars lol…
Arach’s is almost always my last found FCR item …

Anyways back on topic- please don’t change the way monsters behave, unless it’s some game breaking bug…thanks!

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I also opened a thread about this in the past. I would love it! I would also give Diablo a brain, because you can do a similar trick with him, if you have a spell, that can deal damage “around a corner”, like all AoE skills. Only thing, to make sure would be, that he does not just float over the river, as done in PD2, because he won’t drop loot, if he dies over the river.

I would consider it game breaking… It has always broken the game, because one of the major bosses, one of the three prime evils, the most dangerous thing in the universe… can’t do anything, but you just slaughter him with any ranged class easily. Meanwhile, melees, which are already very difficult to play imo, can’t use it. So another imbalance in favour of ranged classes…

I use it myself a lot, but tbh, I hate this bug. It is so silly.

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