Mic check *test test*

I’m still in Fray lol…
Speaking of such is there a guild or something I can join so I can do group runs and be a bit more coordinated when next season starts?
And holy hell hi Pri


You got a clan suggestion for an old-timer returning to the fold?

Maybe try NOVO which is my old clan. Most clans are dead though aside from the few left playing. It will be very slim pickins now that season theme looks bad. I am looking something else as well.

Man I miss that potato, he doesn’t post much on Facebook

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AWH, all the barb bros filtering in…

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Whoah. That’s a throwback dude! And yeah those memories of joking around with that Idaho Potato King will always bring smile at my face!

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My sandwiches are still god tier. Getting old. Had cholesterol issues… good now after meds. :slight_smile: So went to god-tier wraps for a while.

Last one was pepperoni, habanero salami, thin slice honey ham, all the salad fixings, bit of jalapeno ranch. Boom.

chef’s kiss


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That’s a good sounding sandwich right there.
Pri what are your thoughts on a Carne Asada torta?

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Man i’m from Texas so Carne Asada was born down here lol. Texmex version is pretty awesome. Tortas are only good as the salsa or other fixins you have with it though.

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Hey, nice to see you back. I do remember you presence, you invited me into Fray, way back then.

Oh, hey you! I remember you as well clanmate, but I think you had different name originally as well!

yes, originally “mvhrad” but that just didn’t do so well in chat, so Nick was adopted (sadly, along with a new name came a much larger and ‘newer’ looking battle net tag #)

Hello. Good to see some familiar names here. I randomly saw this post today. Sup kingdo? Pri still talkin samiches.

I miss the good old days with Fray. I hope everyone is having a nice life.

What’s everyone up to? Been a long while since I posted here. I’ve since moved to the East Coast, got married and picked up some new hobbies. So I haven’t been playing too many games lately but I did play D2R in XBox (Samir would approve) for a bit.

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Hey baco! Glad to see your life moving along.
I got married and bought a house a few years ago. Between being a home owner and having other hobbies (hiking/backpacking/mountaineering in the PNW) my game time has plummeted as well.

D3’s fun to come back to after a long hiatus if you’re ever interested! Barb forum community still rocks. This dude Rage unselfishly puts in so much work for everyone’s benefit.

I played D2r for a few months also. Had a key farmer, uber killer, and baal farming toons.
I try to always be kingdo whichever media I’m on so lookout for me!

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