Max roll has discontinued DI support

What makes you so sure, out of curiosity?

It does not meet the legal definition of tortuous interference in the US broadly or in California specifically.

Excellent news.
Bopefully everyone else drops their support too!
At least until it is no longer predatory ad can be played with decent progress and time without buying anything or stupid caps.

Yes it most certainly does. One could argue that Maxroll negligently made statements that are dishonest, and misrepresent the truth of DI, and that such comments hurt Blizzard’s reputation, and caused Blizzard to suffer damages (loss of business).

If you are saying you think that Blizzard would lose, sure, I agree. But that doesn’t mean they cannot at least drag this out past a 12b6 motion to dismiss for failure to state an actionable claim. They’d at least make it to discovery and summary judgment, which would be years.

They have the necessary elements for a claim, however, ultimately unsustainable as it may be.

I’m not saying it’s GREAT case, but it’s certainly enough to make sure if you’re Maxroll you tread carefully enough to make sure you’ve crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s. Moreover, my point was that avoiding saying anything that is blatant libelous, was something they needed to do, and takes time. That’s what I was saying, was that the statement they put out, was careful and measured precisely to make any claim like this more difficult to seriously consider pressing.

One can try to argue a claim in a court of law. The fact is that it does not meet the definition of tortuous interference. As you noted

Okay I wasn’t sure if you were saying it wasn’t even possible or something they needed to worry about, which was my only point.

well China has indefinately blocked DI which you know must sting since they were the ones Blizzard was originally planning to market this game to them

you notice Wyatt hasnt been seen since that news broke in fact Blizard hasnt made any official announcements about DI either

DI is on the verge of collapse and the entire company has gone silent its gotten so bad that any story on wowhead about DI has its own comment section locked that pretty much tells you Blizzards PR dept is working overtime trying to spin this into something positive and theyre not having much success the game has already gotten too much negative attention

at this point Blizzard should just admit defeat and cut their losses by completely removing and delete all programming involving Diablo immortal while they still have some reputation left which honestly isnt much

theyve actually managed to replace EA as the top gaming company in terms of bad gaming ideas and thats no small feat


Nothing’s been blocked. D:I just hasn’t been issued a license to be released in China which all games need to be released in China.

Whether the Chinese government is going to issue the license or not is still up in the air. No one just doesn’t know when and if that’s going to happen.

They should make the game decent, remove ALL spyware such as the face recognition, remove ALL p2w, fix the game game wise, rename it, make stuff account wide instead of character locked, and more to make it good, charge for the game if needed. Make new content / area / dungeons one can buy.

All that work to make a mobile game doesn’t have to go to waste. Unless off course it is better to start from scratch due the stinky dump it is now…

They will never admit defeat or apologise, unfortunately. This disaster will have negative effects on D4 as well… And likely all other future games…

No, they are walking away because they can’t be top dog in D:($).

It is an ego thing with them.

well remember when Final Fantasy online first went live? it was a colossal train wreck but did Square ignore the players and keep it running? oh no no they not only took it offline they completely went back to the drawing boards and rebuilt it from scratch but the president of Squaresoft made an official apology and took full responsibility for its disaster personally he didnt blame the players or talk down to them in a condesiding tone for its failure he admitted the blame was his alone

Blizzard comes out with a game that is universally hated where are they at? hiding behind their wall of silence and letting their white knights do all the talking

i mean have they even tried to make any official statements? of course not they know this game is tanking and they cant even bring themselves to step up and admit it

THEY made this game and now that its failing they dont have the fortitude to step forward and accept the blame for it

peopel had been talking about this beign a bad idea since its announcment in 2018 and they still refuse to listen to the truth which says a lot about the current attitude running the company


What does the Chinese situation have to do with them?

I don’t know why it is such a strange concept. They put a ton of hours into this, on both personal and professional level. They as a business spent a lot of resources on it. You don’t just cancel a project that you invested that much into after a week. Even a month, you really think they made this decision right before the announcement? They would have been discussing it for a while and then made the decision then write that whole explanation, which would most probably be discussed and even edited before posting.

You say you don’t have time to read their reply because you are in a meeting yet act like you have never experienced business at all.

You realise there is a difference between saying “I really enjoy the game” and defending bad practices or being a shill for the company? Everything isn’t black and white.

i believe it was the straw that broke the camels back. they definitely had discord meetings about it several times, and their final decision was clearly based on the china news and blizzard refusing to speak up about any major changes to the pay2win system which means they arent changing it.

sounds like you have no clue how business is done. i made 40k in 2 hours today. That’s almost 2 5star legendary gems in 2 hours or gas for the month. I’ll take the gas.

either way, i mostly like the maxroll guys, wish them the best especially on D4, but i call a banana a banana. facts dont care about emotions, maybe work on that.

When I’m in a business meeting, that last thing on my mind is the D3 forum.


They knew from day 1.
Diablo Immortal released on both mobile and PC Beta. Our worst fears were realized. Many of the key issues are still not fixed, and the Free-To-Play experience is worse than we could’ve ever imagined.

NONE of them said anything like this until this last week.

They chose to lie to the viewers for 3 weeks. Misleading the viewers into believing free2play was a viable route to compete. I also thought it was very disingenuous for Wudijo to release a video of obtaining “The Immortal” as free2play, though being the only free2play player in the group being carried by whales and whatever other offscreen deals were made…

Any average IQ can see their decision came shortly after the China news. I would bet the farm after that news came, they contacted someone at blizzard asking if any changes to pay2win would be made and didnt get the answer they were looking for. So they closed it down, because the game is a dead man walkin. Good business decision tbqh.

but they peddled it in a good light to the fans until it didnt make business sense for them to do so. No other big steamers did that.

So go ahead and keep the

We look forward to continue creating the best guides possible for the games you love. Thank you all for helping us create Maxroll; we couldn’t do any of this without you.

to yourselves. This game was FAR from loved from day 1. You arent here for that, you’re in it for the :moneybag: bag.

" tortuous interference" hah no.
they could have plastered
and the thought of a possible lawsuit for that would be insane.

business meetings have a lot of blabber

i made 2 5 star legendary gems worth today.

This is untrue.

Raxx nearly quit early on. Echo released a vid expressing quite a bit of negative sentiment too. I know you’re a troll, but people come here in the hopes of finding truth. You are part of the problem at this point.


Playing D:I lol, you said you weren’t playing immortal and making fun of those that did.

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yah he nearly quit so hard he made a guide like 10 days ago.

And the trolling is on full display here.

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