Mac, Monk POJ, different bugs

Set: Monk and POJ set.
System: Mac OS Big Sur
Environment: Greater rift 100+
Observed bugs:

  • unable to grap a power pylon while there are no enemies around
  • doors won’t open or it takes a minute before the door can open (visible by a highlight)
  • can’t move to the next level of a greater rift: system responds with “this skill is not available yet”
  • While I am in the middle of large group of enemies, suddenly my sweeping wind drops to 0 while it was hitting 20+ enemies
  • Groups of enemies simply take 0 damage, while I take full damage, only solution ignore and move on.

These bugs severely limit the possibility to finishing a greater rift.

Stickied at the top of the forum - How to Write a Good Bug Report

When reporting a bug, please make a thread for each bug you find. Threads that contain multiple bugs are difficult to manage, especially if we are unable to reproduce any of them on our end.