Lost Connection - The game is out of date. Please patch the game

Just got this message at 22:00 BST (21:00 UTC)…


…but not being offered a patch in the launcher.
I guess server’s having the patch applied with the item changes.

After attempting to re-enter, get told a patch is waiting…


…but there isn’t yet.
If a friendly TL3 comes across this, please embed the picture, thanks


it is the same for me!

No warning message and just DC in HC. Not nice Blizzard.

Nothing on my side…

The patch is being installed, you get the same message while waiting for ptr to start. If you log out it will tell you there’s a new patch available, and will begin downloading, but it won’t. When it’s ready, you’ll download the new patch,and you’ll be good

haha that sucks, i was just about to upgrade my gems

ya, just getting ready to start a gr103.

im so scared to read the note’s about what build/item they messed up this time around :fearful:

Just to add my voice to cacophony, I am getting error as well.

Urgs…Necronerf xD

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