Lornelle's Sunstone vs Trag'Oul 4p Question

Trag’Oul’s Set 4p bonus double your EHP by giving a ‘virtual’ set of HP above your max HP. My question then is how this affects Lornelle’s Sunstone. At 100% HP (with no additional virtual HP), does Lornelle gives ~50% damage reduction or 0% damage reduction? In other words, which ‘max HP’ is Lornelle based on?

I would appreciate it if someone confirms the answer by actually trying it out rather than debating what the text means. (Blizzard is not the best at describing exactly what an item is doing.)

Thanks in advance!

Trag’oul bonuses increases current total HP% (hover over you health globe after blood rush through x mobs)

Lornelle’s Sunstone is based on current HP%

Didnt bother with screen shots. Its a very straight forward test.