LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

your solution to the current loot situation is go solo you are advocating for private games being forced on a larger player base, you can’t use it as both a reward and punishment.


Personal loot has always been there, we just called it private games back then. I hope they keep the loot system intact, the ultra rarity of items was exactly what made the constant farming runs so much fun.

So you didnt like the other games, because they copied too much, but you do not like this game, if it copies too little.

Anyways. I think, we should have pLoot in D2R. It is time to advance this game into modern age.

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Easy fix! Just play a private game!
You know, the same solution you suggested for our problem.

Nobody is changing anything about ultra-rarity.
But it is nice to see that you agree that pLoot should be part of D2R.

By changing the entire loot system for a game that they’re desperately trying to not mess up like WC3, right? Maybe you’re right. I should never underestimate the power of snowflakes and their unity when things don’t go their way on day one.

the irony of course is there solution apparently makes 7 or more times as many people have to play private because there is only 1 carry for every full game at most

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I like d2r cus its d2 with better graphics what is the main problem with d2 (800 * 600 res). I get what the devs promised for me. You want something other but not d2r.

The game is going to be what the devs promised. Ploot is not among these promises.

LMFAO, blizzard changed their mind so many times on all of their games like wow, overwatch, sc2. I wont be surprised at all if they changed it in future patch as an option.

No. You cannot have more than 800*600. Duels. Remember?

Well, they promised to react to feedback. And it is kinda obvious that it is needed.
Literally everybody who is venting now, will love it 1 hour into the new system.
And if you are really hesitant, you can simply use the legacy-loot options at game creation. So do not worry. Nothing is being taken from you. You can still have your snowflake-ffa loot.


Your argument there is sad. All you’re showing is that the world should cater to your every desire. I want this, so change it to benefit me. It has to be perfect for me. Polish those 11th place trophies, pal. Put them in a place of prominence. They’ll never change it. If they do, you can add me and I will personally hand you every unique and high rune I find in season 1. It’s a dream.

dang calling David Brevik a noob snowflake is just mean… as a fellow David i feel for him.

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They really need a modern Ladder in addition to classic Ladder. Even if it split the playerbase, like battlenet already has in the past, at least there would be more players.

As much as some people want to play the game preserved the way it was, the game is going to die off likely decently quick. Diablo 2 doesn’t offer much to casual players at all. The only thing you want to group for is exp grinding. Casuals aren’t going to gear up for ubers. At least give people more methods to enjoy the game.

I think a lot of old players were traumatized so bad by botted chaos and baal runs that they think its a good thing.


Enough conversation for me with you. Enjoy the ffa game you bought and enjoy dreaming with the ploot garbage you want.

Says the one whos argument was “it works for me, so it should work for everybody”.

I will get back to you on that HR though. Which one will it be? Can i choose?

if it turns out controller looting at launch is faster than mouse i can only imagine all these people will want to ban them from being used on pc instead of fix the loot problem as well.


Thats what im talking about. Finaly we get bigger resolution.

There is no legacy loot option. There is ffa in multiplayer. Nothing more. Come back to reality. Fanatasy world isnt a good option.

Literally everybody who is venting now, will love it 1 hour into the new system.

This is actually what’s true, give it a try for a season and see the feedback from the playerbase. D2R has one of the best graphics I have ever seen. D2 has one of the best mechanics in the gaming industry a lot of new players will be interested in playing it.


I played D2 for many years against pick-it and hammerdin bots in baal runs. I was fine not getting loot then, as I was there for xp. Then I’d take my level 90+ sorc with basic mf gear and farm Meph into oblivion for my own gear.

While I HOPE pick-it programs get banned/prevented, I’m not naive. I expect people to cheat and to have an unfair advantage to get loot over me. But I refer you to the above thought process. I’m not playing with people for gear. I dont expect to get the Shako vs 7 other people. I’ll get that myself in private Meph/Andy/Pindle runs.

No, i think, we should give the old-timers a way to play the game as it used to be. In all its inferior ways.
Meanwhile, we will just play some enjoyable, cooperative matches. You can join us, if you want. But you might wanna drop that attitude first.

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Another thing worth mentioning is if people are that concerned about loot find a group of friends to play together with in discord on private games and simply share your drops. That also is part of the fun helping gear each other up while leveling together to reach hell a5.